New Day

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is waiting to dawn. The changing of the seasons has me sitting in the darkness awaiting the first light. A brand new day like a shiny new penny waiting to be spent. Moments in time are waiting to be captured and laughter hangs in the air. There could be heartache and sorrow, but I am blessed with a new day to shine and share God’s love. Start your day with a prayer and a song in your heart. Lead the way with kindness, love and compassion. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a good day with loads of blue skies and sunshine. The high was 81 with low humidity. The week is rolling on by quickly. The days pass faster when you are busy. As you settle in for the night, look around at those you love. Give an extra hug or an encouraging word. Their hearts need to know they are special.  May God hold you in his loving embrace until the morning light.  Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

God’s Love

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is about to dawn. It is dark out, but I can still see the tip of the mountain glowing. The rooster just keeps crowing to make sure we are all awake. The cool breeze makes me pull my blankets closer. This is a peaceful time of day to talk to God and plan my day. Of course, you don’t have to sit outside or commune with nature for God to hear you. He is right there with you and hears every breath you take and every beat of your heart. You just have to reach out in prayer. You are loved and he walks with you through your joys and your struggles. Believe. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is waiting to dawn. I sit with my coffee and blankets in anticipation of the dawn. The rooster is crowing and it is pitch black outside. This capture is from yesterday morning. The mountain looks like he got a fresh coat of snow. The much needed rain must have been snow. Even in the pre-dawn light, I can see the peak glowing in the distance. Fall is upon us and daylight comes later each day. It is a reminder of how swiftly time flies now that I am older. Summer vacation was long and I thought Christmas would never get here. I was always wishing the weekend would hurry up. I didn’t realize that I was wishing my life away instead of living in the moment. Life is precious . God allowed me to wake up to a brand new day. Fill your day with love and laughter. Be grateful for each and every blessing in your life. Love unconditionally and be kind. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. The sun warmed the earth and the sky was a bright blue. As I watched out my window, I noticed movement by my car. Upon a closer look, it was quail. A cat passed by and stretched. They didn’t run away. It was amazing to see peace and harmony in nature. Wish we could all do the same. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Reach Out

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. It is 48 degrees and a slight breeze rustles the smaller trees. The ancient ones are unmoved and stand tall and unaffected by what is happening below. There is another lesson in nature. It is easy to stand by and overlook what is happening to those around us until it happens to us. We are all on this journey together. We must reach out to our fellow man with compassion, love and understanding. One day it may be you that needs the help and understanding. We are all God’s children. Love one another. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I stayed in, cleaned house and cooked a big pot of beans. There is something about cooking on a rainy day that brings comfort to the soul. My feet are up and a Hallmark movie is playing.  May God hold you in his loving embrace until the morning light.  Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

New Day

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. I slept past sunrise. It is a cloudy day and the high will be 55. I have my cup of coffee, blanket and snuggley. These folks are still wearing shorts and flip flops. They are probably getting a good giggle watching me. I finally got some much needed rest and feel rejuvenated. Our bodies are amazing creations of God. As we grown in years, they slow down and don’t recover quite as fast, but still are beautiful works of art. We are crafted with love and care. Each of us unique and perfect in His eyes. Next time you look in the mirror, see yourself through God’s loving eyes and smile at the beautiful person he created. We must love ourselves too. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Dance with Angels

A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. It rained off and on all day, so I decided to end the day with a capture of one of the flowers in my bouquet. I hope it makes you smile. I pray your dreams are sweet and you dance with the angels among the stars. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Early Light

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. It is 48 degrees and I can feel the dampness in the air. Rain is predicted and it will be a welcome sight. The rooster crows as the first light of dawn appears across the sky. I watch this beautiful sight each day and it never ceases to amaze me. It doesn’t matter if clouds or fog cover the sky, the sun will shine through the darkness. I may be a simple country girl, but I can see the power of God’s love in his creation. Circumstances in life may dull our light, but we must always keep our faith and let His light shine forth from our Hearts. Believe! Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.