Simple Life

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning.  A sweet fragrance floats across a cool breeze and greets me as I step out the door. There is color on the horizon and my feet must be moving to capture the beauty of God’s morning display of love. Once you see the sunrise across an open field, you are hooked. There are no mountains or trees to block the magic of the sun breaking the horizon. Life is filled with beautiful moments, but there are the simple things in life created by God that take your breath away. Live life with a humble, loving heart. Let the light of God’s love flow forth to light the path for others. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The familiar sounds of the morning fill my senses. Crickets join the birds in their morning song of praise as the flies buzz my head like the hummingbirds. Nearby horse farms, cows and chickens keep the fly population alive and well. A slight cool breeze starts the day before the sun takes over. Beautiful blue skies greet me with a promise of sunshine before the afternoon showers. I slept past the dawn. I am adjusting to having grown grands in the house coming in from work late at night, so the normal sleep pattern was changed. Y’all remember worrying about your children until they were home safe. Being a parent is ingrained in our make up. God created us to love and nurture. Remember to use that same gift from God when dealing with others. Our world needs to be reminded that all thing come from God and we should be grateful, not entitled. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. A gentle breeze blows in my face as I listen to the sounds of the morning. The birds are singing their praises and a boat races down the lake to reach his favorite spot. A peaceful way to start a new day . Life can come at us pretty fast and the days , weeks and years fly past us like the breeze. We look up and wonder where they have gone. You have to slow down and make the time to enjoy life in this moment. Don’t wait to take that trip or visit someone next year. Live and love today. We are not promised tomorrow. Make beautiful memories today. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. As I walk around my sisters yard listening to the familiar sounds of the morning, I wonder if this is what heaven looks like. The walkway is lined with beautiful hydrangeas and delicate roses to soothe the senses. Birds sing their praises to God as the water gently laps to the shores of the lake. A duck floats by and turns back around to watch me as I stand and gaze at the lillies that grace the garden. A cardinal lands beside me in the bushes. Good morning my love. No, It is not heaven, but oh what a beautiful tribute to God’s amazing creation. Thank you Lord for another day of life and family. Hold them close. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. I am waiting for my ride to the airport. I am heading East to see my sister, get hugs and love and then further South to see my family and get more hugs and love. This old heart needs to see her peeps. They say home is where the heart is, but our friends and family all over the world hold a piece of our heart. Each life we touch with kindness and love holds that piece of God’s love we leave behind. God’s love is unconditional and renewable. Share a little bit of yourself with others and leave a lot of God’s love behind. The world needs God’s love. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright

Never Alone

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  I captured the sun just as he was peeking over the hilltop. Good Morning Mr. Sun. Have a bright and shiny new day. The sun comes up every day to do his job. No matter the conditions of the day, he is there shining, whether you can see him or not. God is beside you in the same way. Sunshine and happy days, dark and stormy days, His love is constant. You may not see Him or feel Him during the hard times, but He is there. He feels your laughter and your tears. Reach out, lean on Him, let Him carry your burdens and don’t forget to share your joy. You are never alone.  God is always there.  Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The rooster is crowing as I step out to capture the shades of pink on the horizon. The early mornings here are cool and a gentle breeze blows in my face. It is a peaceful time of day before the hustle and bustle of tending crops begins. It is close to harvest for the cherries. I can’t see them on this farm, but orchards line my trip into town with red ripening fruit. God’s creations are amazing, but the fruit trees have to be tended. There is a watering system running to each tree and each year they are cut back and trimmed. In our own lives, we should care for ourselves as the farmer does the land. We should sow seeds of love, water with kindness, pull the weeds from our lives, tend to illness and allow God’s light to fill our hearts. When God’s love is allowed to fill your life, watch how you bloom. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Life is Short

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The sun was reaching for the hill top when I looked outside this morning. Golden rays of sunlight bounced off the clouds creating a stunning view over the orchard. God’s canvas changes before my eyes every morning and night . It is a show to behold with no charge for admission. He already paid the price. Moments of peace can be found in His company as He gives us glimpses of Heaven. Live this gift we call life being the best you that you can be. Leave no words of love and kindness unspoken. Life is too short for regrets. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. A light breeze is blowing through the trees and a tractor just cranked up in the distance. Yes, the rooster has been crowing since 4 am. I mostly tune him out. It is funny how we can tune out certain sounds or situations. Our minds are amazing and we learn to cope with life. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy as we worry and fret about things beyond our control. Put your burdens in God’s hands and allow yourself to enjoy life. Worry doesn’t change anything. Put a smile on your face, a song in your heart and greet the new day filled with possibilities. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright

Father’s Day

Good Morning Everyone!  Happy Father’s Day to all Dad’s and to those Step Dads who stepped up to the plate to love another’s child. My Daddy was my first love. In my eyes he could do no wrong. My beliefs about myself and my self worth were established by the most important man in my life. Dad’s are important and should be appreciated for the love and guidance they give us. I miss you Daddy. I miss your smile and your bear hugs. Not a day goes by after 30 years that I don’t think of you. You are always with me in my heart. Share your heart 💓 One day someone will carry you in theirs. Shine Bright