Always be loving and kind

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a beautiful cold winter morning. Jack Frost nips at my nose as I await the dawn. A blanket of frost covers the fields and shimmers in the early morning light. I am enjoying the peace of the morning before the rush of the day. We are all so busy So many are dealing with stress, illness, heartache or financial worries. We have to step back and Breathe. Sometime you have to say Lord, I know you got this and let it go. Be kind to yourself and have compassion for others. You never know what is going on in someone else’s life. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Above all else, be kind. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright

Positive Attitude

Good Morning Everyone!

This morning dawns with freezing temperatures here in South Alabama. I wait with anticipation for the first light of day. The moon stands watch over the night and keeps me company. The wait for the dawning of the new day fills me with a sense of wonder. There is such beauty in the silence of the morning. Anything is possible today. I can’t control what will happen, but I brace myself with the dawn and a positive attitude. I can do anything I set my mind to do. So can you. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Power of Touch

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a rainy morning here. I captured this shot as I was leaving for work yesterday. As I stepped out of the car, I lifted my face to the sunrise. The golden rays of the sun touched my face in a gentle caress. Touch is such a vital part of our lives. Words can not always express the depth of emotion that a single touch can convey. A touch can say I am sorry, I understand, things will get better or I love you. Reach out to each other with love, compassion and understanding. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Take care of each other

Good Morning Everyone!

This cold Monday morning starts with a peaceful glow in the sky. It is going to be a beautiful day. Cold temperatures are expected tomorrow so make sure your pipes are wrapped and your elderly neighbors and relatives are secure and warm. We all have to look out for each other. One day it may be you who is needing a little help in this world. A smile, a hug or a kind word can go a long way in healing hearts. Make this day awesome. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Footprints of Love

Good Morning Everyone!

I slept past the sunrise this morning. My first cup of coffee is warming my hands as I snuggle under my blanket. It is quiet this morning except for the sounds of the birds. I filled the feeders and they are feasting on the seeds. The skies are filled with clouds, but it looks like a beautiful day is cranking up. Sundays are times for family dinners and visits with friends after worship. Gather you families close and enjoy this precious time together. Life moves quickly. Children grow up. Capture this moment in time as a cherished treasure to be held in your heart. Leave footprints of Love in their Hearts. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Shine Your Light

Good Morning Everyone!

I woke up just in time to catch the sun coming over the horizon. The golden rays reflect off the frost covering the fields. It is a sight to behold. When we shine our own lights, the rays of happiness, hope, love and promise reflect to all those around warming even the coldest heart. If we could only warm the heart of one lost soul, then there is hope for us all. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Treasures of a New Day

Good Morning Everyone!

The sun slips into a cloudless sky on this cold winter morning. It looks like smooth sailing today. I have decided that I like the sunrise best when there are clouds to add color and depth to the morning. It is the “clouds” of life that make us grow and challenge ourselves as individuals. We can’t become stagnant in our faith or our personal growth. Never stop growing and learning. New treasures are waiting to be discovered. Hearts are waiting to be healed. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Make a difference

Good Morning Everyone!

A new day dawns and I am blessed to be awakened this morning. As I await the dawn, I am reminded that we all have a place and purpose in this life. It is up to us to search for our purpose and live life to the fullest. We were each placed in this world to fulfill a plan. Don’t sit on the sidelines. Get out there and make a difference in your world. Maybe the difference is made in your home and your family. Share Your Heart ❤ And Shine Bright.

Turn Up The High Beams

Good Morning Everyone!

It is going to be a wet and windy day today. No obvious sunrise to capture. This is one from a week ago. Every day can’t be filled with sunshine and roses. A little rain must fall. On this kind of day, remember the warmth of sunshine and laughter and make some of your own. Turn up the high beams on your smile and make a rainy day brighter. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Look to the Light

Good Morning Everyone!

The North wind is howling through the fields today as I wait for the dawn. It is cloudy today and clouds of worry fill my brain. Will it rain or turn cold again. Are my pipes protected? What if my health fails? What if? We can lose precious time worrying about the What ifs. We have to do the best we can and plan ahead. At some point, you realize that everything is not in our control. We have to have Faith that things will work out as they should. Move ever forward with a loving Heart and kind spirit. The path ahead has been laid out for you. Look to the Light. Share Your Heart and Shine Bright ❤