
A long day draws to a close. It was a great day. We were busy all day and a patient brought in flowers with my favorite colors. Of course, I made sure everyone noticed them. There is no smoke in our valley today and the temperatures are wonderful. Wonderful kind people still exist in our world. Like minds find each other. Hold your families close and pray for our world. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

New Day

Good Morning Everyone!A beautiful new day is dawning.  The mountain stands tall and the sky is clear and bright. The smoke has moved on for now. It didn’t get as cold as predicted.  It is 50 with a high of 69 in the forecast. All is quiet, even the rooster. Everyone heads back to work today and the world returns to as normal as we can get. Smiling faces behind mask brighten our day. Sometimes you have to take a step back from the craziness we see on television. There is news that bombards our senses 24-7. Let go of the hate and anger that fills you when you as you watch. Step into God’s creation and let yourself be free of the turmoil in the world ,if only for a short while. There are still good people in this world who are loving, kind and compassionate. People who look out for others, share and believe in God and his promise of everlasting life. Fill your heart with joy and laughter. Let the light of God’s love fill your heart and there will be no room for hate. There is still beauty in our world. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.