
A long day comes to a close. It was a good day and the temperature was only in the 80’s. I mowed grass and worked around the house. It was a take it easy kind of day. As I sit outside and watch the evening, I noticed that the wind has picked up and it is sending the water from the sprinkler in all different directions. The birds are loving the spray and are darting in and out of the water. The hummingbirds are not so happy about the change. The sky glows with the golden glory of the sunset. God starts out day with life and sends us off and running with the glory of the sunrise. After a long day, we are rewarded with the beauty and majestry of the setting sun. We are blessed and loved. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest well and Sweet Dreams ❤.


A long day comes to a close. It was a good day and the temperature was only in the 80’s. I mowed grass and worked around the house. It was a take it easy kind of day. As I sit outside and watch the evening, I noticed that the wind has picked up and it is sending the water from the sprinkler in all different directions. The birds are loving the spray and are darting in and out of the water. The hummingbirds are not so happy about the change. The sky glows with the golden glory of the sunset. God starts out day with life and sends us off and running with the glory of the sunrise. After a long day, we are rewarded with the beauty and majestry of the setting sun. We are blessed and loved. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest well and Sweet Dreams ❤.


A long day draws to a close. It was busy and very hot outside and inside. We have air conditioning, but the beautiful windows in the front office really heat up the place. It was 102 outside and that was with low humidity.  Everyone seemed to take it in stride and remained in a good mood. I love talking to the patients and making them laugh. I came home to a hot house. All of the doors and windows are open to try and cool it down by bedtime. Thank goodness the fly population is not like back home.The mountain seems to be covered in a haze from the heat. It almost looks like a black and white photograph.  Give your loved ones an extra hug tonight just because you can. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The sun is spreading golden rays of light as it crest the hills behind the orchard. The birds are singing and the water sprinkler is running. Mr. Rooster continues to announce the new day. Have you ever had someone do something special for you at just the right time. My friend walked into the office yesterday with a big smile and this bouquet of flowers. My heart lifted with delight and my soul filled with joy. God sends Angels in the form of friends to guide us on our journey. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are where we are supposed to be. There are still good people in our world. Don’t let the actions of a few discourage you. Pray for guidance, lead with love, kindness and compassion and put a song of joy in your Heart. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Lavender Sky

A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. It was really busy and a lot of people were helped. I love seeing the smiling eyes coming through the door. Eventhough the faces are covered, the light of God’s love shines through the eyes. The sunset reflected a beautiful shade of lavender in the clouds. Thank you, Lord. It was a good day. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. The sun has started its climb over the orchard into the blue sky. A few clouds stand by to watch and wave. The miracle of a new day begins with the rooster crowing, the birds singing and me watching and enjoying with my coffee. The hummingbirds zoom in and out to the rhythm of the water sprinkler. What is God’s plan for me today? I am never sure what part I play. I know that my heart longs to bring a smile to each face I see. That is a challenge now that we wear mask all the time. My day is made when I see the light of God’s love spark in empty eyes. Perhaps that spark changes a bad day or is the answer to a silent prayer. All is not lost. God’s people are out there and we still care. Love and prayers for our world. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. The sky is cloudy and the light has not yet hit the mountain top. It is not as cold this morning, but I still need the blanket to ward off the chill in the breeze. Getting older definitely has its limitations. I can’t do things I used to do with ease. Getting up and down is definitely a challenge at times. Yet, I find more joy in the sunrise and sunset and more beauty in the world around me. God created us in his image. We were crafted with love and each given different gifts. Use your God given gifts to make our world a better place. Most of us don’t have a far reaching influence, but changing just small things at home can have far reaching effects. Be a little kinder, show a lot more love and spread joy and laughter. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a beautiful hot day. The sky was cloudless, but it is 96 degrees at 6 pm. Thank goodness the humidity is only 20%. Sitting in the shade is warm, but comfortable. I have finally broken out the shorts and flip flops. The grass has to be watered daily due to lack of rain. The property owner keeps everything nice and green. There are many worries and concerns in our world. I pray daily for my family and our world. At this moment in time, I am letting my worries go and watching the sun set across the land. Evening falls peacefully as the day starts to cool down. All is well in my corner of the world. God is good and I am blessed. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Pass it on

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. The birds are singing their hymn of praise as the hummingbirds dart around the feeder. The workers are already in the orchard and a very loud piece of equipment runs in the distance. The silence of the morning is broken and the day begins. I love the early morning when you can hear nature awaken for the day. Everything is fresh and renewed. There is promise and hope with each sunrise. Beauty awaits us at each turn of our head. Look up and see the beauty that surrounds you. It is in the flowers, the clouds, the birds and in the eyes of those who surround you. Look with a loving Heart and a gentle soul. Someone out there needs your smile today. Pass it on. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. I slept in today. Sometimes you just want to roll back over and hide from the day a little longer. Responsibilities make me get up and get my coffee. It is cold as I step outside.  The sunlight is reflecting on the mountain and the birds are chattering in the trees. It is peaceful. The orchard workers are off on Sunday so there are no tractors running in the distance. Today is the Lord’s day to rest, rejuvenate and rejoice in life. We should never take the gift of life for granted. It is fragile and precious.  Give thanks and praise each day and live your life with purpose and joy. Put a song in your heart and dance to the rhythm of life. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.