God’s Children

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. It is a mild rainy morning as I peek out the door before snuggling under my blanket. The pitter patter rhythm of rain soothes my soul as I await the dawn. My capture is from yesterday. I finally have some more feathered friend who are coming back to visit. I put some sunflower seeds out for them. We must look after all of God’s creations great and small. We all have a place and purpose in this world and we are all loved. Reach out to one another with kindness and lend a helping hand when possible. We are all God’s children. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. A light coating of snow/sleet covers my porch. It is in the upper thirtys and rain is predicted.  Rain is good for the crops and thirsty landscape. My capture is from yesterday on my trip to The Dalles. The rocky landscape usually has little steams of water that weep down the sides. Yesterday,  there were icicles gracing the cliffs with their beauty.  Look for the beauty in life and in others. Open hearts and minds can see God’s gifts of love. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.

Here I am Lord

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. Remnants of snow still cling to the fields as the sun begins its journey across the sky. Hopefully this cold snap is over and we can return to normal cold weather. I forgot to bring in the hummingbird feeder and the little fellow is looking at me because it is frozen. We can’t always remember everything, but we have to do our best and make things right. God needs us all to serve as His angels from time to time. We must do our best to answer when we are called. Here I am Lord. Call on me. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.

Blue Skies

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. Clear blue skies and a cold breeze greet me. My hummingbird is happy for the nectar that I keep warm inside at night. Today is a work day, since we were closed on Monday. I have to get these cold bones moving. There are a lot of people in our world sick and hurting. Some hurt is physical and some mental. We have to all do our part to bring comfort to those in need. A kind word or a listening ear goes a long way to comfort someone who has lost a loved one. Be God’s angel. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. The rooster calls out as I step into the cold darkness. He is already anticipating the new day. My capture is a small tree beside my house during the recent snow. It looks frozen and bleak in the current conditions. When the sun came out, it perked back up. Sometimes life makes us feel froze in place with pain and sorrow. We have to remember that God is always with us to pour His light into our hearts. Open up and let Him in. Share your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. Clear blue skies and 8 degrees. I sent word up North for someone to close that door they left open. Thank goodness for heaters. A prayer goes up for all those homeless and exposed to the elements. I may not be rich, but I am blessed beyond measure with a roof over my head, food on the table and family and friends who love me. Today and every day, I am grateful for the gift of life. Unwrap your day with love, laughter and kindness. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. The clouds cleared and temperatures plunged. It is 19 degrees and will be 6 degrees tonight. My old Southern bones will be layered for warmth. We all learn to adapt to our surroundings and make the best of all situations. God made us a resilient people. My capture is from yesterday. Two hummingbirds gathered on my feeder and appear to be discussing the weather. Maybe not, but it made me smile. These two needed my help during the harsh winter and I needed their beauty. We all need each other. Reach out and help those in need. The one you may be helping is yourself. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.

More Snow

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  A white blanket of snow covers the landscape and is still falling to the ground.  A pair of hummingbirds have returned to the feeder and they dart in and out of the snow. It is a beautiful sight on a stay at home day. There is beauty in nature wherever you go. Take the time to observe God’s love for us shown in all His creations. Love unconditionally, laugh often and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. A light snow is falling, but it isn’t cold enough to stick to the earth. Across the road, blue skies and sunshine greet me. Life is funny that way. Good days, bad days or just days we feel like we are existing are all gifts from God. We have no control of the events in life. We can be grateful for each day and see the possibilities and promise before us. Look for the good in people and situations. Spread kindness in your wake and make this world a better place. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The rooster crows and I smile. Blue skies, sunshine and a cold breeze greet me as I step outside. I just had to smell and feel the new day before snuggling under the blanket. It is definitely not Hawaii temperatures. Time is moving fast and soon it will be spring. Don’t wait for later, better weather or any other excuse to start a new project or visit a friend. There are no guarantees in life except for God’s promise of everlasting life with Him. The most important things in life are not things. It is the people who walk beside you on your journey in life. Take their hand and hold their hearts close. God sent them to you for a reason. Choose joy, love and laughter each day and spread kindness with every word you speak. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.