
Good Morning Everyone!

It is steamy out this morning. My glasses fogged up as I stepped out the door. Today is a day of change. The rain will bring in a cold front that settles in for a few days. Be sure to take care of your pets and tender plants that have to be protected. Also remember to check in on any elderly friends or neighbors that may need help in preparing for cold weather. There are things we can’t do anymore as we get older or we forget to take extra care of ourselves. God put us all together on this planet. We have to look out for one another and lend a helping hand when needed. One day it may be you that needs that extra help or bit of kindness. That elderly lady or man used to be young and a vital part of society. Time slows us all down quicker than we realize. We have so much to learn from those who went before us. They carry the wisdom of the ages and precious memories of a another time and place. Always be gentle, loving and kind. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone!

It is hot, humid and the rain continues to fall as the cold front passes through. I am a little off balance, but able to function today. Life throws these curves to remind you never to take anything for granted. Every morning I get up, fix my coffee and go outside. I am alive. I am able to navigate on my own. I have a house and coffee. Suddenly things change and I have to have help to get around. Our bodies are works of art in the way we function and balance ourselves. We are true miracles of God. Each precious moment of life should be savored and appreciated. Take no one or anything for granted. Life can change in an instant. Be loving, kind and compassionate to everyone. For you see, they are God’s Masterpieces, too. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Look Within

Good Morning Everyone! This morning I am watching the sunrise from inside the house. My balance today makes it unsafe to walk around in the darkness. I am having issues with vertigo that has plagued me for twenty years. We all have health issues that we live with and work around. Sometimes it just gets the better of you and puts you down for a little while. A little rest and medication and I will be back capturing the beauty of God’s creation to share. Look within yourself and at those who stand by your side to see the most precious and beautiful of God’s creations. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone!

It is a beautiful cool beginning to my day. I watch the heavens for the arrival of dawn as I say my prayers of gratitude. The pump keeps kicking off and on making me worry and distracting me from my prayers. There is always something in life to distract us or that needs our attention. We are constantly pulled from one problem to another. It is easy to forget things that need to be done or neglect to say thank you. We must find time each and every day, even for just a moment, to say prayers of gratitude for all the little distractions in life. You are alive and have the ability to handle life’s problems. Be grateful. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. My plants are tucked into the greenhouse and ready to be closed up later this week when the temperature drops. There is always something to take care of when you own a home. My feet are up and a Hallmark Christmas movie is on. Give your families an extra hug tonight. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕

Light of Love

Good Morning Everyone! With coffee in hand, I await the dawning of the new day. It is dark except for the light on the horizon. It always brings peace to my soul. It makes me think of a light at the end of a tunnel of darkness. When you see the light of God’s love, you remember that there is hope for any situation that may be happening. Look for the light and remember that you are loved. Share Your Heart and Shine Bright ❤


A long day comes to a close. Another sunset is before me as I think of my day. It was a day filled with grandchildren and laughter. Everyone has gone home and an empty stillness fills the house. Children and grands bring laughter and joy. They grow up so fast. Hold them close as long as you can. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕