
Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. The days are getting shorter and time is moving on whether we like it or not. Halloween stuff is in the store and Christmas is on the way. If you are waiting to do something special when the time is right, don’t wait. Plan that trip. Visit that friend or mend those fences of pain. There may not be a later. We have no guarantees of another day of life. Our promise is of everlasting life in heaven if we believe. I believe! Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. I am up before the sun due to an early appointment in The Dalles with my sleep apnea doctor. I like to get my regular appointments in early so they don’t interfere with my work. I was delighted yesterday when a friend dropped by with these beautiful dahlias. We added them to our gladiolus and made everyone smile. Thank you Lord for those special angels in our lives who lighten our hearts and remind us we are loved. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. New memories to make, new friends to meet, old friends to greet or anything your heart desires. It is your day to make a difference in your life or someone else’s. Each day is a blessing and filled with the unknown. Good or bad, it is a day of life. Be the best you that you can be and Shine God’s love to light the way. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. Yesterday I walked around the property and gazed at God’s beautiful creation. The landscape always inspires me and fills me with a sense of peace. I am always looking up and striving to be positive. I was reminded today to be humble. Beauty is everywhere and in everyone. Cast your eyes down only in love or praise. Share your heart 💓 and Shine Bright

Quality Time

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. A cool breeze rustles the trees and the hummingbirds are waltzing in the sky. The temperature will stay down today bringing a welcome relief from the heat. I didn’t find any treasures on my shopping trip, but I saw a lot of cute stuff. Spending time with my friend is always fun and quality time with a kindred spirit is priceless. Thank God for all the angels He has brought into your life. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. I slept in and still feel tired, but an adventure awaits. Thrift shopping in a nearby town and spending time with a friend is on my agenda. Friday has become an adventure day. My capture is a different angle of the mountain at sunset. God’s creation is amazing and the view never gets old. Enjoy life and love each and every day. Life is a journey filled with ups, downs, twist and turns. Sometimes you have to hold on to your hat and pray for the best. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. It is the end of my work week, thank goodness. The heat in the office is hard on these old bones. By the end of the day, I feel like a rag doll. I am blessed to still be working and loving being around all the wonderful people. Another week and cooler weather will return. This to shall pass. The mountain soothes my soul every morning and evening as I gaze upon its beauty. God is an amazing artist. We are loved beyond measure. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. A light breeze rustles the trees as the hummingbirds dash in and out of the feeder. God’s beautiful creation lays before me on display. There is no time for television or the noise of the day. Quiet solitude with God, nature and my coffee. It is my favorite way to start the day. My capture is the sunset last night. I watched as day gave way to night and witnessed the glory of the heavens in the evening sky. Life is filled with beautiful moments, but we are often blessed with the ones that take our breath away. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright

God’s Messengers

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. My morning prayers are done and I sit with my coffee in hand looking out across the landscape. I am blessed beyond measure to have another day to witness God’s love and share the beauty of His creation. One such beauty graced my office yesterday. It is also my favorite color. Gladiolus always make me smile. If you have a garden, share a little of God’s messengers of love with your friends and neighbors. We all need a little love. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits. Daylight is getting a little shorter each day and soon fall will be upon us. It has been a short year. I spent a lot of yesterday talking to friends and family. We need to stay a part of each other’s lives and take the time to talk and listen to one another. I wish I could go back and talk to Mama and Daddy once again. Oh,the questions I would ask now that I am older. Pass down your wisdom and stories to the younger generations. You may not think they are listening, but it will be important to them someday. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.