
A long day draws to a close. It was a good day and very busy. I am ready for the weekend. My bones are dragging, but I am grateful for my job and all the people I interact with each day. Meeting new people and bringing a smile to their face makes me feel like my work is done. We all need each other and everyone needs a friendly face and a listening ear. Be that person who leads with compassion , love and laughter. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams.

Lights On

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. A cold breeze sends a chill down to my bones. The full moon was setting as I stepped outside with my coffee. God had left the bright lights on last night, so I had also seen it higher in the sky at 3 am. Y’all know how those nights are. As I watch the moon set in the west, the sun is rising in the east. I think of life and all my blessings. I am grateful for life, a roof over my head, a job to put food on my table, and family and friends to share my life. I am most grateful for a God who walks beside me and loved me enough to die for my salvation. He did it for all of us. For God so loved the WORLD……so should we love one another. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.