
Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. Stars twinkle down on me as I listen to the rhythm of the morning. This little town is still asleep. Soon the sun will rise and the birds will sing their song of praise. The rush of Christmas is over and things will slow down. We can all sit back and enjoy family during these remaing days of the holiday. Every day whether we work or play is a gift and should be celebrated with love and laughter. Reach out to those who have suffered loss, illness or who are alone during the holidays. A loving or kind word can help soothe a hurting heart. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was an amazing day. I got to see and spend time with three of my five grandchildren. They grow and change, but the love remains. We feasted on ham, prime rib, sweet potato casserole and green bean casserole. We are truly blessed. Thank you Lord for sending your son to insure our salvation. Thank you for my family, friends, good health and prosperity. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Merry Christmas

 Good Morning Everyone!  It is Christmas Day and the celebration will begin soon. There will be lots of good food and gifts for the children.  Excitement fills the air. Santa steals the show, but we all know the reason for the season. God’s gift of love was given to us this day with the birth of our Savior. Look around at the people that surround you. These too are gifts of love sent to join you on your journey.  Open your Heart and feel the joy, love and laughter in the gathering of friends and family.  Celebrate life and love each and every day. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I did a little cooking and a lot of visiting. Christmas movies kept us all laughing and the weather went from raining to just darn cold. In Alabama, you can have all seasons in just one day. Dressing in easy to shed layers is your best bet. Supper with family and a few gifts to exchange. The greatest gift of all is family. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. Rain falls on the little porches tin roof setting a pitter patter rhythm to the day. I was told that six inches of snow is predicted in Hood River for Christmas. Meanwhile at the North Pole, Santa is out getting read for his big ride. Wide eyed children await the day with wonder and excitement for Santa’s arrival.  Parents enjoy the excitement of reliving childhood memories and making new ones. We all give thanks for the true reason for the season. As you read the traditional Night Before Christmas to your children or grandchildren,  remember to make sure they know the story about the birth of our savior. One day, that will be the most important story of all to them. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright. 


A long day draws to a close. It was a good day and busy. Last minute shopping for gifts and food kept us on the move. The temperature was amazing and no sweater required. Tomorrow the temperature drops for a very cold Christmas Day. It will feel like I am back in the North West. As I watch the sunset, clouds move in and a light rain starts to fall. Things are slowing down for the evening and supper is in the oven. It is nice to be with my family. I am absorbing all the laughter and giving extra hugs. It drives my son’s crazy, but I love it. Thank you Lord for another beautiful day. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day has dawned. The birds are singing their little hearts out as they go about their day. The sound of cars and trucks echos in the distance as people head to work. Just a few more days before we celebrate the birth of our savior. Every day is a day to celebrate and be thankful for the gift of life and salvation. Be humble, kind and spread good cheer. Holidays are often hard for people who are alone or have lost their loved ones. Reach out to those in pain with love and compassion. A kind word and a listening ear could get someone’s heart a step closer to healing. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

New Day

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. The air is filled with the sound of birds singing. I have missed that sound. A little Christmas shopping and a lot of visiting is the plan for today. Evidence of storm damage filled the woods with broken trees and blue tarps serve as part of the Christmas decorations. Things remain the same, yet forever changed. I am feeling blessed and grateful on this beautiful new day. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright