Heavy Heart

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a little cooler this morning and the fog hangs heavy in the air. The silence is broken by a fleet of trucks pulling out in the distance and a vehicle without a muffler speeding down the road. Sound travel far across the open fields. Our actions not only have an effect on us, but every person we touch. Don’t let your bad mood or worries travel into someone else’s life. Remember that we never know the heavy load that someone else is carrying. A smiling face can hide a hurting heart. Reach out to each other in kindness, love and respect. We are all children of God and deserve to be treated as the precious gift that he created. Spread the light of God’s love in your world. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Life is Sweet

I watched the golden glow of the sun as it set behind the pine trees. My attention was captured by a beautiful butterfly on my Mexican Sunflower. He was so captivated by the flower that he did not see the bumblebee right next to him. Enjoy your evening and share the joys of the day. I saw both my sons today. Life is Sweeter when shared. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕

Sow Seeds Of Kindness

Good Morning Everyone!

The dawn broke without me again today. The sun is making its climb into the day as the clouds shout words of encouragement. There is a slight breeze and the birds are chattering away. There must be a crow in the area. They are noisy buggers. The crops seem to be enjoying the moisture of the mist for they cling to the morning. The soybeans shine bright and green as a well tended crop. If we are to grow, we must tend to our own life as a farmer tends a field. We prepare our hearts with the God’s words of love. We must sow seeds of kindness and compassion. Fertilize your crops with understand and respect. Water liberally with joy and laughter. It is important to pluck the weeds of hate and negativity from your life. Shine the light of God’s love like glitter on the fields. When you tend your soul as the precious gift it is, you will reap a crop of love and kindness. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


I sit and watch the sky on this Saturday evening. The day was spent with my son and grandsons. It was wonderful to see their smiles and feel their warm and loving hugs. I love the visits, but afterwards it is really lonely. Time moves on as it should.The soft glow of the sunset keeps me company as I thank God for my blessings. Hold them close for as long as you can. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕


Good Morning Everyone!

I slept in today. It sure felt good. The sun is rising up into the sky as I make my way to the porch with my cup of coffee. It is a beautiful morning.

I watch the same sun rise and set each day. Each is unique and different in its beauty. God created all of us in his own image with a loving eye of a father. We are beautiful even with what we see as imperfections. Our true beauty is not in our physical appearance. True beauty lies within a loving heart and gentle soul. We only have to look into the heart of others to see their true beauty. Oh what treasures await us when we take the time to look outside of ourselves and into the hearts of others. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone!

It is muggy out this morning. The mist and humidity wrap you up in a blanket of heat. The crickets are again silent, but the silence of the early morning is broken by a jet flying overhead. People movers. We are all going somewhere. Things sure have changed from when I was little. All the changes and inventions have made life a little easier. We grew up working hard as a family on the farm. We learned to get along and settle our differences. We were taught pride and respect for each other, our country and others. Strong family values help us make it in a tough world. Show love, kindness and compassion to others. Most of all Respect others and yourself. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone!

The darkness surrounds me today. The stars are covered with clouds and the crickets are silent. It is another half hour before dawn. The time is changing and soon I will be leaving for work in the darkness. I captured this picture as I went out my driveway yesterday. The sun climbed into the morning as I drove to work. Things seem to change fast in this world of ours. One day I have a house full of children, a job and no time to think. I turn around and the kids are grown and the lady in the mirror doesn’t look like the me I remember. Life slips past us as we try to make our way in this world. Treat each day as the priceless gift that it is. Inhale the beauty and savor the precious moments as they unfold. Make new memories and don’t look back at a past you can’t change. Thank God for the gift of life and all the experiences that made you the amazing person you are. Live, love and laugh today. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.