
It has been a long day. My body is catching up with the time change. We went for a walk around part of the property. There are wildflowers and lots of bees. I am slap worn out. Today I am sharing the beauty of nature because it is not sunset for a couple more hours. The peace and serenity of nature soothes the soul. Breathe in the beauty of life. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

God’s Masterpiece

Good Morning Everyone!

As I step outside this morning, the air is a chilly 66 degrees and no mosquitoes. I can’t see the sun break the horizon because of the trees, but I will see the reflections as it rises to strike the mountain. This is my view this morning. It is not my front porch, but it is a beautiful majestic sight. Sometimes you have to step outside your comfort zone to experience all of God’s beauty. The vast wonder of his creation never ceases to amaze me. Everything on earth was molded and crafted with attention to detail. Never forget that you were molded and created with that same love and detail. You are a work of art. Share your beauty with pride. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


It was a long day, but I made it safely to Oregon. I took this picture of Mt Hood from the airplane. It was a beautiful sight to behold. My little phone has been busy taking pictures. Tonight we celebrate friendship and catch up on each others lives. Gather your families together and hold them close as long as you can. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams. ❤


Good Morning Everyone!

This morning I am not waiting for the sunrise. I am chasing an adventure. My plane awaits as I embark on a journey to see friends in Oregon. In our life we have family, friends and friends who become family. Life is a journey and we must hold hands as we go down the path, if only for a short while. Take that trip, visit that friend or make that long delayed phone call to share your Heart with someone. Leave no words unsaid and no Heart unloved. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Love Yourself

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a little cooler as I step outside this morning with my coffee. The sky is free of clouds and I can see the beautiful display of stars that light the night. That one star is twinkling so bright. It is almost like it is winking at me. It has been a long time since someone winked at me. Age and time changes all of us. Our self worth is a vital part of us. We have to accept and love who we are inside and outside at all stages of life. You are a beloved creation of God. You are a vital part of his plan and your life has a purpose on this earth just as you are. Take God’s love into your Heart. Love and accept yourself, then reflect that love inside your heart to warm the hearts of others. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Blue Skies

It was a very long day. The drive home was brightened by the setting sun. I stopped once more at the field by the house. The fields were starting to dry out from all the rain. The blue sky set off the golden color of the sun. Once more it is time to snuggle in with your families and share your day. The best is yet to come. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Unconditional Love

Good Morning Everyone!

The air holds a touch of coolness this morning and the stars are shining bright. One of the many things I like about country life is that I can step out and see the vastness of the sky and all the twinkling stars. Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder where you are. The stars fade as the curtain of darkness is lifted by the rising sun. The process seems so effortless as night turns to day, yet it is a true miracle of creation. We are all miracles of creation. Each created the same, yet different and unique in our appearance and personalities. We are each loved unconditionally by God. We have the choice to follow his teaching or to turn away, yet we are still loved. Time slips away as I ponder the wonders of creation. I choose to accept His unconditional love and shine my light as bright as the rising sun. Spread a little sunshine in your world today. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Embrace Your Families

The sun is setting earlier tonight. I captured this beautiful moment in time down from my house. It has been raining off and on all day. The field was covered in water. The glory of the setting sun reflected in the puddles. What an amazing sight to see. God’s glory is witnessed each day in the beauty of his creation. It was created for you and me. Embrace your families and know you are blessed. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

The Light

Good Morning Everyone!

The clouds block the stars on this hot muggy morning. They will not be able to block the Shine of the sun as it crests the horizon shortly. I can see slivers of color starting to show in the darkness. We take for granted the light that shines each and every day. It is the light in our darkest hours that we remember. The feeling of hope and love is seared in our hearts. We must all remember to keep God’s light burning in our hearts. In good times and bad, he walks beside you forever in your heart. Look for the beauty in your world. You only have to take the time to slow down and open your eyes and hearts to experience the joy and wonder of each new day. Beauty awaits. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.