
A long day draws to a close. It was a very hot day. Heat index was 102. I visited with the grandsons and ran a few errands. My oldest grandson drove us around. He has a learner’s permit and did really good. We teased him and kissed the ground when we got home. He has a good sense of humor and told his Dad that he didn’t kill anyone. Love those Grands. Hold your families close and give those extra hugs. Say Your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. Blue skies are filled with marshmallow clouds. A cardinal was sitting on the lawn as I walked outside. It made me smile. Heavenly visitors sent to remind us that we are loved. There are little reminders all around us that God loves us and we are cherished in his sight. Every life is precious. Every breath we take is a gift. We need to love and respect one another as children of God. Respect for God, country, the past, the present and each other. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a wonderful day filled with love and laughter. We celebrated a new life coming into our family. Amanda and Danny Lores are expecting a sweet bundle of love into their life. This baby will be loved and cherished. Life is a precious gift from God. Every life is precious. God’s love flows through us all. We have to believe. Congratulations to these two and their precious baby. May God bless their family. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Windows to the Soul

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful muggy day is cranking up here in Baldwin county. There is a haze in the sky, but the birds are singing their hearts out in praise. Seeing family today ,if only from a distances, is a must. Hearing their voices only goes so far. Sometimes you have to lay your eyeballs on them to know that all is well. The eyes are the windows to the soul. My Daddy always said to stand tall and look people in the eyes. If you can see their souls, you can feel who to trust. God’s light of love reflects from within our hearts through our eyes like a beacon to light the way. My Daddy was a wise man. Share your Heart and Shine Bright ❤

Celebrate Life

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful muggy Baldwin County morning is cranking up. The birds are singing and the sun is on the rise. The day is underway in this little town. There is more family time today and a beautiful celebration of life. A precious gift from God will soon be added to our family and we celebrate the approaching birth and the expecting parents. Life is a gift from God. Every precious breath we take is a gift worth celebrating. God made all of us in different shapes, sizes and colors. We are all his children and we are loved. Celebrate life. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. It was a good day, very hot and humid. My hair needs frizz control. My son’s house gives me a perfect view for watching the sun set. I sat outside for as long as I could. Between the gnats and the heat, I had to retreat. I kept peeking outside to capture the right moment. I think I like this one. My feet are up and a movie is on the television. Stuffed pork chops are cooking. Life is good. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams❤

Little Miracles

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful day with partly cloudy skies is underway. The temperature is milder, but the wind is whipping through the trees. My little chipmunk friend forgot his social distancing rules and came a little close before I scared him. I was deep in thought and did not realize he was there. Sometimes worry and life distract us from our surroundings. Little miracles are happening all around us. We can’t see them because we are distracted by life events. God sends little reminders that he is here with us. Think about down times and something that made you smile. A memory, a person, a creature, a flower or the wind in the trees can all bring God’s smile to your heart. Have faith, reach out in prayer and look for the beauty in God’s creation. He is beside you. Believe. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful day is underway.  The birds sing their praise as the sun shines golden on the mountain.  The weather is milder today. I don’t need my blanket to sit outside. With a cup of coffee in hand, I absorb the peace of the morning. This is my time to talk to God and feel his presence. It is a time before the hustle and bustle of the day starts up and the sounds drown out your thoughts. I lay my troubles at His feet and say my prayers of gratitude.  The hurt and pain of the past can melt away for a while. Here with Him, I am loved and I am worthy.  My inheritance is His kingdom and no one can take that from me. Find your quiet time and share your burdens. You are loved and you are worthy. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright. 

A New Day

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful day is cranking up. It is 52 degrees under a cloudless sky. A slight breeze moves through the trumpet tree sending their beautiful fragrance my way as the birds sing their morning melody. It will be a busy day with a lot of patients to see, but for now I enjoy my coffee and absorb the peace and beauty of a new day. A new day to make amends, make new friends, connect with old ones or just make someone smile. When you start the day with a smile upon your face, everything looks brighter. Your smile is passed from friend to stranger and could brighten the life of someone lonely or hurting. Our world needs a lot more smiles and goodwill passed around. Lead with kindness, compassion and love. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.