
A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. The temperature was mild and the people were happy. There is one particular spot on the way home where the mountain seems to shoot straight up in front of you. Today the sun reflected off the smoke and put a veil over the mountain. It is still a majestic sight, but it is just not the same. Don’t forget the extra hugs. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning as I step outside with my coffee. Sunrise is slipping later each day. Fall is upon us and the pumpkin spice products are on the shelf. It is 48 degrees this beautiful morning and I turned on the heater to take the chill from the house. I know that sounds funny, but true. I think I will need to revamp my southern winter wardrobe for some heartier wear. The mountain stands talk and proud where God created it long ago. God place us all on this earth with a plan for our journey. We all venture away from home to learn and grow. Some return home and others find new homes with God’s guidance and love. God planted you where you are. If you are not being nurtured or blooming, pray for guidance, ask for wisdom from elders and make a change. It is never to late to make a change, grow or learn. It is definitely never to late to love and share your life.. Never give up hope.. God has a plan.. Share your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.