Beauty Lies Within

Good Morning Everyone!

The last day of 2018 dawns. The beauty of the lake unfolds before me under gray skies. Today I head back home to start the new year. As I reflect on my life, I know that I have been blessed with people who care about me, eyes that can see the beauty of life and another day to share my heart. My goal is to be the best me that I can be and to shine my light as far as it can reach.

As you head into 2019 reflect on your life, make goals for the future and give the gift of your heart to those around you. Remember that your true beauty shines from a kind heart and loving spirit. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright

Unconditional Love

Good Morning Everyone!

Gray skies and fog rule the Lake this morning. As I walk the shore, the cool mist seems to swirl around me filling the morning with mystery and anticipation. It is as if a vessel will emerge from the fog. I shake off the feeling and head back inside to the warmth of the house. Another cup of coffee and breakfast is waiting. Home is more than just a house where people live. Make your home warm, inviting and filled with love, acceptance and laughter. Unconditional love builds a home. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Laughter and Joy

Good Morning Everyone!

The day dawns with cloudy gray skies. I am visiting my sister on Lake Harding in Valley, Alabama. She always has such beautiful sunrises on the water. Today there are only shades of gray. The lake is beautiful just as it is. Like us, it has a personality all it’s own. We have no plans for today except for visiting and sharing our lives. External circumstances don’t matter as long as two hearts can laugh and share with each other. Fill your day with laughter and joy. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Look for the Beauty

Good Morning Everyone!

The sun struggles behind the clouds this morning. The early morning light highlighted the clover that runs beside the field. The contrast of colors is beautiful. Sometimes the most amazing surprises can be found in unlikely places. No matter where you are, look for the beauty that surrounds you. The birds, flowers, trees and leaves hold wonderful beauty. Take time and listen to the sounds of the wind as it whistles through the trees. Open your senses to life. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

The Magic of Touch

Stormy Sunrise

Good Morning Everyone!

I was awakened this morning to the sound of the howling winds and pouring rain. The wind has always howled out here. As a child, I remember how scary it was. It always felt as if I was going to be blown away by the unknown. My Daddy was always there with his hand on my shoulder providing words of comfort for a small child. I can still feel his presence beside me and the comforting touch of his hand.

Sometimes words are not necessary. It is the touch of your hand showing love and support that says more than words can convey. A simple gesture done with love and compassion will be remembered. Reach out and let someone know that you are there and you care. Hugs work too! Share your heart and Shine Bright.

Christmas Joy

Merry Christmas Everyone! The sun arrives gentle and without fanfare much like the Christ child in the stables. Most people are sharing Christmas with their families. We all think it is a time of joy. In reality, there are many alone and without families today. Loved ones have passed over the holidays making this a time of sadness. As you hold your families close, remember those alone and reach out to share your joy with them. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, remember all that he represents. Kindness, love compassion and forgiveness should be shown to all mankind. Merry Christmas. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Chores Can Wait


Good Morning Everyone!

Dawn breaks this morning with a promise of beautiful colors. I was outside several times this morning capturing the beauty of the morning sky. Crazy me scheduled a Mammogram for seven a.m. on my day off. The sky continues to change as the sun tries to peek over the horizon.


The beauty of the sky against the farm land has always brought me closer to home. The fields are ever changing as the crops are rotated each season. 

As I head into Foley for my appointment, I continue to watch the rising sun. I had to stop and capture one more photograph. 


This was taken on County Road 87 across someones field. My days have always been planned and structured. As I have gotten older and learned to slow down, I have learned to be more spontaneous. You will find me out walking the road early or stopped along side the highway capturing the beauty. 

Life is short. Don’t wait to enjoy life. Take time each and every day to spend time with your children, grandchildren and all special people in your life. The chores and housework can wait. It will still be there when you return. The people in your life may not. Cherish each and every day you have been given. Share Your Heart and Shine Bright.

Christmas Eve

Good Morning Everyone! Dawn breaks on this Christmas Eve. Elaine captured this picture for me, since I slept in today. There is peace on earth for just a moment in time. Everyone will be doing last minute preparation for Christmas Day. Santa is packing his sleigh and the children are dreaming of magic and wonder. Childhood is such a precious and magic time. Let them hold on to the beauty and wonder as long as possible. Make sure they are taught the real reason for the season and the birth of our Savior. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! The clouds allow a sliver of sunrise this morning. Our journey through life sometimes bring us back home in search of peace and understanding of who we are. Getting back to your roots helps us to remember who we were then and how much we have grown. Our roots define our youth and traditions. We build on those traditions and make new ones for our own families. Make your home full of love and laughter each day. Give your children and grandchildren good memories of you and your love for them. Be their shining light. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine.