Share Your Heart

Clouds swirl around the sun as it descends from the sky. The white clouds against the blue sky creates a startling backdrop of glory for the sun. Another day comes to a close. It is time to be home with our families and put our feet up. It was a long day filled with sharing of hearts. Life is best when shared with those you love. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone!

It is cool and quiet this morning as I await the sunrise. The stars twinkle and say good morning. My Daddy always said Rise and Shine Sunshine. Today is the day we celebrate his birth in 1918. We carry the teaching of our parents with us throughout life. Daddy lead by example. I can still hear his words. Be proud of who you are. Hold your head up high and look them in the eyes. Never trust someone who can’t look you in the eyes. Turn the other cheek and smile in the face of adversity. He danced to the music and always wore the most beautiful smile. He had a strong faith in God and I know he watches over me. Your children and family are watching and learning from you. Be sure that your actions reflect the image you want them to remember. Give love with open arms, a listening ear and hugs to last a lifetime. Happy Birthday Daddy. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Sunset Beauty

As the sun sets this evening, the Bee Gees play on the phone and I dance once more to the songs of my youth. Good music never gets old. It was a good day that ends with laughter and music. I had to share a new bloom on my canna lily this evening. Her glory shines bright in the setting sun. Another beautiful creation by God to bring joy to my heart. Enjoy your evening. Give those you love an extra hug. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Link Arms

Good Morning Everyone!

I pray you rested well. It is a beautiful morning. God chose to awaken me another day. My work is not done here. The air is cool and the stars shine and twinkle as I watch. “If you wish upon a star ,your dreams come true.” I love old songs. Big puffy clouds float in the southeastern sky. They seem to link hands and float together in harmony across the sky. As the dawn breaks, the clouds merge together and take on the glow of the sun. Mist swirls below and lays a blanket across the field. It is breathtaking. Our world is filled with different people, cultures and beliefs. If we could all link arms and work side by side as we go through our journey, the glow of God’s light would rise high for all to see. Yet we can’t all get along. There is evil and goodness in our world. The world can not be changed in a day. The change starts with you. Be of pure Heart. Love thy neighbor as thy self. Show kindness, compassion and forgiveness. Pray for guidance and eyes that can see. Link arms with goodness, love and laughter. Let the glory of God’s light shine through you. Make a difference one Heart at a time. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Sow Love

Good Morning Everyone!

It is pleasant out this morning. There is an occasional flash of lighting down south of here and thunder rumbles in the distance. We could use a little rain to water the plants. God waters the earth with the occasional rain and the dew each day. He is a good shepherd. We must tend to ourselves as we do our plants and children. We should plant seeds of love and hope. Feed ourselves and others with compassion, honesty, trust, joy and laughter. Your thirst will be quenched with prayer and positive thoughts. Pull weeds of negativity, hate and self doubt. Let the light of God shine into your heart. Share the harvest of your love and laughter with your friends and neighbors. We are all farmers at Heart and we will reap what we sow. Sow love, kindness, compassion and joy. Share Your Heart❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day comes to an end. I worked outside with my awesome helper and we laid rocks and sand. We were both tired. My sister in law knocked on the door to tell us there was a rainbow across the field. Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly. What an awesome end to a beautiful day. Only a special friend takes the time to share the beauty of God’s creation. The rainbow is there for an instant and then gone. A true blessing to behold. Look around and see the blessings God has given you. Be sure to give thanks and praise. Share the beauty with a friend. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you rested well and are ready to start the new day. It is cool and the air is still. The birds have slept past the dawn, but the rooster keeps announcing the day. It is a beautiful day and I am blessed to be alive and sharing with you. Sometimes I wonder, why me? I am not perfect. I have made mistakes and said hurtful things. Why would God love and favor me? We were created in his image. He knows every detail, every thought and every breath we take. We are his children. We may stray or be less than perfect, but His love remains unconditional. When you truly love someone, you see the good and the bad, but you love them anyway. God wants us to be happy and filled with a love for life and each other. Crank up the music and fill your soul with joy. Thank you God for this beautiful day! Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Beauty in Details

I walked around my yard this afternoon and check for new blooms on my flowers. To my delight, this beauty was waiting to surprise me. Even the wildflowers that grace the roadside fill our world with beauty and wonder. Stop and look at the smallest of wildflowers and see the perfect formation and attention to detail. God created this world for us. Dismiss no little detail in your world. There is a blessing to be had in even the smallest of items. Open your Heart to the blessings of God and know that you are loved unconditionally. Snuggle up and share your life. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Rhythm of Life

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you rested well. I slept past the dawn. Mister rooster announces the sunrise and this morning, I hear cows in the distance. Something has them stirred up for me to hear them at my house. The air is cool and condensation drips from the roof making a pitter patter sound on the earth. The sun peeks over the horizon pushing through cotton candy skies. It is a sight to behold and never ceases to amaze me. If we can only sit still for a while each day and listen to the rhythm of life. Feel the strength and power of the ocean or a sunrise. Listen quietly to each breath your child takes as they sleep. Feel the beating of your own heart and know the power of the God who created every detail of life. Live the life you have been given with laughter and joy. Don’t sit back and wait for happiness to come to you. Reach for it with all the love and joy you hold in your Heart. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.