Listen to the Rhythm of Life

Good Morning Everyone!

The birds are singing and I can hear the rooster in the distance. The air is strangely still. Clouds fill the sky and there is a pink hue floating above them. I sat down my writing to watch the beauty unfold before me. Sometimes you have to stop multitasking and clear your mind to enjoy the sheer beauty of life. Free your mind of worry, keep your head up and listen to the rhythm of life. Let peace flood your soul and fill your heart with light. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Seek Beauty within yourself

Good Morning Everyone!

As my Mother would say, it is raining cats and dogs this morning. Thunder rumbles in the distance as the sound of the rain soothes the soul. The air is always fresh and clean after the rain. The flowers get a good drink of water and I think I heard the birds talking about a puddle party. There is always something positive about each day. Sometimes we have to look a little harder. Your outlook on life comes from deep within your soul. I have always prayed for peace and acceptance of myself just as I am. Finding your own peace allows you to see the world a little differently. There is beauty and love to be discovered in each and every one of us. Look for the beauty in yourself and your world. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Enjoy the Taste of life

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a cloudy morning, but I caught a glimpse of color at first light. It is peaceful out this morning. Have yall noticed that the dew berries are blooming. Now I can’t clean the flower beds until I get my yummy berries. Oh well, they can wait a bit more. Some chores can be put off so that we can enjoy the taste of life. Spring is in the air. Take time to enjoy your families. Make that weekend trip or a picnic in the yard. We only have a short time together in this life. Let the chores wait. Grab someone’s hand, make some memories and share your heart. We all need each other. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Give from your Heart

Good Morning Everyone!

Time slipped up on me this morning and I had to rush out to capture the early light of dawn.. My hair was wet and it was cold. Thank goodness my grandson had given me a Huggie for my Birthday that kept me warm. Isn’t it wonderful when people are thoughtful enough to notice what you love and the thing that are important to you. Giving is not about grandeur. We give our time, attention and our thought to each other on a daily basis. Giving to others is a part of who we are inside. Giving from the heart with love is the greatest gift of all. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

I wish you Joy

Good Morning Everyone!

This morning I am waiting for the shuttle to get us to the airport. The day will be filled with the journey home. Our educational event was filled with music and excitement. Do you remember how it feels to turn on your favorite music? Your body just starts to move to the beat. You start smiling and feeling the joy down deep in your soul. Live your life with joy and love. Today I wish you Joy. Make your soul dance. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Be the best YOU that you can be

Good Morning Everyone!I am up early awaiting the dawn. I know that there is no clear shot at the hotel to see the beauty as the first light of the new day peaks over the horizon. As I enjoy my coffee and contemplate life, I see the sun. It is peeking at me through the trees and power lines to shine its golden rays upon my face. Sometimes we have to sit back and be patient. It is often a hard thing to do. Clear your life of all the negative interference and allow your light to shine forth with joy, love and laughter. Watch yourself grow into the best you that you can be. You will do great things one heart at a time. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Grow in Faith, Knowledge and Love

Good Morning Everyone!

It is still dark here and I think too many lights to see the dawn. I did get the moon captured for you today. I didn’t get much sleep. I am looking forward to an exciting day filled with new ideas and experiences. I do not veer off my own path very often, so it is definitely new for me.We have to open ourselves up to new experiences and adventures at all stages of life. Living is growing in faith, knowledge and love. Reach out and try something new today. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Seek Joy

Good Morning Everyone!

It is warm, muggy and foggy this morning. I decided to share a picture I took of the flower pot in front of my office. Am I crazy or does anyone else see the face? At first, I saw a bow and thought that was sweet. Then I decided it looked like a man with a mustache. Either way , it made me laugh. There are so many things wrong in our world. Watching the news is extremely sad to me. I prefer to look at nature and the beauty that has been given to each and every one of us at no charge. Seek joy and peace in the little things in life. Let go of the worry of things you can not control. Always make time for laughter and love. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Reach out and believe

Good Morning Everyone!

It is going to be a messy day here. The wind is howling through the trees and pushing misty rain into my face. It feels amazing, but not so much for my hair or driving to work. Experiencing amazing is not always easy or comfortable. Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and free your mind of worry and doubt. Reach out in faith and believe in yourself. Always lead with caution and let your heart soar to new heights. I wish you Amazing today Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

True Beauty Lies Within

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a little cool and breezy out this morning. Mister wind fixed my hair today. I felt good enough to walk to the road and capture the layers of gray over the green field. It is not a sunrise, but has beauty in it’s own right. We all see beauty differently. There is physical beauty and spiritual beauty. Physical beauty fades with time and can not hide a bad spirit. Spiritual beauty glows from within a good and loving heart. It last the ages of time and shines light so that others see their own value in this world. Feed you soul with positive thought and joy so that your beauty can shine forth. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.