
Good Morning Everyone! I slept past the dawn. The sun is on the rise with bright rays of sunshine filling the front porch. Today I sit, coffee in hand, on my back porch shaded from the brilliance of the sun. Somebody has been burning down the road, so the smell of fire is in the air. The remaining birds play on the feeder and cows moo in the distance.  Yes, it is a beautiful day. I am not sure what today holds, but the peace of the morning is a good way to start a day. Prayer of gratitude,  reflection and the sights and sounds of nature fill my spirit with inner peace. As you go about your day, spread the light of love within your own heart to everyone you meet. God’s love is meant for all those who believe.  Share your light so others may see. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  


A long day comes to a close. The sun set with gold and blue skies. After the sun was gone, the sky came alive with pinks and purples. It was breathtaking. I sat on the porch and watched until there was no more light in the sky. It was a beautiful way to end the day. Thank you, Lord, for the beauty each day. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕


Good Morning Everyone! I slept past the dawn today. The sun is on the rise and a shiny new day is underway. This is the biggest shopping day of the year. I choose to stay home and let all the crazy shoppers crowd the stores and the highways. There is always something to do around the house. Life is filled with chores and obligations to family and home. When you care about others, the chores become an act of love. Loving someone is not just the romantic side of life. Loving involves keeping them safe, clean, fed and warm. As you go about your chores today, think of those you love, crank up the music and dance. Celebrate life every day. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! It is a beautiful morning as I await the dawn on this Thanksgiving Day. As I sit all cozy in my blankets, I reflect upon the many blessings in my life. This is something I do every day. I am blessed and grateful for each and every day that I have to share with you. I have a roof over my head and a feast will be on the table in celebration today. I think of the homeless without shelter or food and the soldier away from his family as he protects our country. There are a host of police officers, firefighters, doctors and nurses who stand read to serve us today. As your families gather today or you join friends, be grateful for those who stand beside you and those not with you. The greatest treasures in life are the people that God chose to walk beside us. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Celebrate Life

Good Morning Everyone!

The stars are twinkling high in the sky and the clouds layer the sky below. It is amazing that I can see both. It is the day before Thanksgiving and everyone will be in a festive mood. Holidays are times for families and friends to come together and celebrate each other. Join hands, if only for a short while, and share the love inside your heart. Take the love and good will from the holiday and share it each day of the year. Learn to celebrate life and be thankful every day for all your blessings great and small. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

One Life

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a beautiful morning with streaks of orange across the sky. The distant sounds of trucks on the highway lets me know that the morning is underway. We are blessed with one life to live. What we do each day with our lives has been left in our hands. Put those hands to work helping, praising and sharing. Reach out to those alone and hurting. You may not have much to give, but a kind word and a smile can make a difference. Be the best you today and leave no kind words unsaid. Love can heal an ailing heart and lift a defeated spirit. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.