
Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  Today is the official day to honor those who gave their lives to keep our country free. Remember also those who gave it all and came home scarred and broken mentally and physically.  Their lives changed forever by the unspoken memories of war. Our way of life should never be taken for granted. It was earned by the blood of others. We must keep our history alive whether it was good or bad so that it is never repeated. Our eternal gratitude for those men, women and families who have given their lives in service to our country. Go forward with love, kindness and compassion for one another. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Be Kind

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  I am late getting started, because I was awake for several hours during the night. I am not sure why my old body does that every once in a while. A morning dove waddles across the deck and the darn squirrel is plotting his raid on the bird feeder as a light breeze blows from the South. All is well in my little corner of the world. I am not sure what awaits me later today, but for now I will absorb the beauty of my surroundings and rest my bones for the coming week. Look around you and see the beauty in each other and in yourself.  God is an amazing artist and created us all with love. Be kind to one another for we are all God’s children.  Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Memorial Day

Good Morning Everyone! I was blessed to awaken this morning with a roof over my head in a house that I own. I sit on my front porch watching the sunrise as I drink my coffee. I live in a country where I am free to work, own property and share my opinions without fear. The blessings of freedom are not free. There are many brave men and women who left their families and gave their life so that our country would be free. Our future was and is defined by the past sacrifices of those who served our country.   Every time you refuse to show respect for our way of life,  you are stepping on the heart of someone who lost their father, brother, sister or mother. They are the ones who gave you the right to stand up and speak out. Be respectful,  grateful and know that you are blessed.  Their sacrifice gave you your freedom.  Speak out in kindness,  love and compassion for each other. Above all……Honor and Remember the Fallen. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Strange Encounter

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. Clouds cover the sky and the temperature dropped back down after the rain. As I gaze out the window, I notice that I am being watched by a cat peeking around the corner of the deck. I think she was thanking me for the cat feeders/bird feeders. She looks like a cat I had twenty years ago. It was a strange encounter, but sweet. My capture is from last night as I headed home. The sun managed to break through the clouds creating a beautiful display of light. Beauty is around us each and every day. We only have to open our hearts and let God’s love show the way. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The sun peeks at me from the hill top as it reaches for the horizon. What a blessing it is to be alive and breathing deep of the mountain air. There is a fragrance on the wind of something blooming nearby. The cats must be under the porch again because the birds are hiding. Each morning I step outside and feel the morning surround me with sights and sounds. I give prayers of gratitude for life, health, a roof over my head and food to eat. Never take your blessings or freedom for granted. It has never been free. Someone paid the price. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Song in Your Heart

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. There are three hummingbirds on the feeder and the birds have emptied the other two feeders again. I just filled them up yesterday morning. I am not sure what goes on when I am not here, but it must be some kind of party. As much as we try to control our surroundings and keep everyone safe, it is just not possible. Circumstances of life are beyond our control and we would worry ourselves silly. Let God take the wheel and steer you through the bumps and bruises of life. Lay your burdens in His loving hands and live each day to the fullest. Start each day with a prayer of gratitude, put a smile on your face and a song in your hearts. Things will get brighter. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. A light mist is falling as I step outside to look at the sky. My imagination is running wild when I see this beautiful cloud. Could it be an angels wing, an airplane or a mermaids tail? I love to watch the clouds come and go. Each one is different and everyone sees things differently. We are all different and unique jn our appearance, personality, thoughts and beliefs as we come and go each day. Our outer appearance is not who we are inside, but it is what people see and judge. God is the only one who is allowed to judge us, because He knows our hearts and mind. Judge not one another. Treat everyone with kindness and love. You might just meet an amazing person that you had judged unworthy. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Ordinary Days

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. Just as I was checking the sky, the sun broke the horizon in a burst of glory. Gray skies had left me with little hope of capturing color this morning and then there it was. Life can be like that. Ordinary days filled with work, worry and stress can leave you thinking life has no surprises and then something unexpected happens. Actually each day of life is extraordinary. We only have to open our eyes, take a positive outlook and be grateful for each day on this earth. Little miracles and bits of magic go unnoticed when your head is down. Pray for guidance, give prayers of gratitude and see the beauty in all of God’s creations. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  It is 45 degrees, but expected to be a high of 60.  The sun is peaking through gray skies and the birds are enjoying the feeders. Just like a family,  they squabble over who gets the best seat at the table. I am not sure if we had assigned seats or how it was determined at our table when I was young. There were seven of us and I sat to Daddys right. The platters of food were passed to the left and there was always enough for everyone.  It had to have been hard keeping all of us clothed and fed, but they managed. If you missed church or school, you had better be sick. As I reflected back, I can see that God was watching over me then as He is now. Be grateful for every breath you take and hold your head up high. You are loved. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.

Clean Slate

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway and my first cup of coffee warms my hands. A slight breeze blows through these ancient spruce. I captured this moment in time as I walked in the yard. These trees have weathered many winters and could probably tell a few stories, yet they remain silent. The picture seems to narrow the higher my eyes travel. Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes what we thought was happening was indeed something else. Never be too quick to judge anyone. We all have our own story as we travel God’s path and some of those stories we wouldn’t want repeated. We are all different today then yesterday as we strive to grow and learn in God’s light. Let go of the past for it can not be changed. Live for today. Forgive yourself because God has already set your slate clean. Shine His light for all to see. Share Your Heart ❤and Shine Bright.