
Good Morning Everyone! Daylight is approaching as I stepped out to sit with my coffee. The sky started to glow a beautiful shade of pink. I grabbed my phone and ran out into the driveway to catch my first real sunrise colors. There was ice on the rock so moving was slow. By the time I reached my spot, the sky was filled with colors of blue and pink surrounding the snowy white mountain.  It took my breath away. God is a mighty artist. The beauty is there to see in every detail of life from the mighty mountains to the smallest wildflowers.  We have to look beyond ourselves into the hearts of others to see the beauty that lies within each other.  Thank you, Lord, for this moment in time. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright. 

Let it Shine

Good Morning Everyone! It is well before dawn as I sit and drink my coffee. The rooster is still sleeping and the wind is silent in the trees. The snow on the mountain seems to glow in the early morning light. Talking to people you realize that we all have stories. We all have had worries, heartache, illness,  death and despair.  The rich man can hurt as easily as the poor man. We are all created by God and loved beyond measure.  What defines us is the acceptance of God’s love into our hearts and minds.  You are never alone. Take the light of that love and shine it forth so that others may find their way along the path of life. If we do it right, we will all be walking in the light. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  


A long day comes to a close. I made it home right at dark. The rain and mist make the driving tricky coming up the mountain.  It was misty all day. As I was leaving work, a patient said to be careful because it was really pouring down out there. I had to laugh when I stepped out to a gentle steady rain. It was obvious that she had never seen the Southern downpours.  I saw two deer in the driveway by the canal. They were beautiful.  Hold your families close. Life is fragile.  Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Be Kind

Good Morning Everyone! I sit in the predawn light and listen to the sounds of the morning. It is still and quiet. Another day is about to dawn as I talk to God. After my prayers of gratitude, I ponder on why things work out as they do. I am but a pawn in the master plan. A cog in the wheel of life. We all have our part to play. Some are great parts that brings the attention of the world. Most parts are played out each day in the kindness and love we show one another. Perhaps my kindness changes the heart of a child that goes on to change the world. Our Savior came into this world as a child. Make kindness and love your legacy. I pray that the prints I leave behind are whispers of love upon the hearts I meet. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! It is chilly and raining out this morning. I was able to capture a little color before the clouds moved in. The wind whips through the trees and rain is predicted all week. I am okay as long as I can sit outside on the porch, smell the fresh air, listen to the wind and watch the sky. There is a peace and closeness to God as I feel and watch the morning unfold. It is the same yet different each day. When you start your day with a Heart filled with gratitude, it only gets better. Share the love that fills your Heart with all those you meet. Soon there will be a smile on every face you meet. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! It is chilly and raining out this morning. I was able to capture a little color before the clouds moved in. The wind whips through the trees and rain is predicted all week. I am okay as long as I can sit outside on the porch, smell the fresh air, listen to the wind and watch the sky. There is a peace and closeness to God as I feel and watch the morning unfold. It is the same yet different each day. When you start your day with a Heart filled with gratitude, it only gets better. Share the love that fills your Heart with all those you meet. Soon there will be a smile on every face you meet. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Judge not

Good Morning Everyone! It is almost dawn this morning as I step outside armored with my snuggy and blankets. My coffee warms my hands as I stare at the beauty of the mountain in a cloudless sky. There is a rooster crowing in the far distance as the wind whips through the pines. I smile at the familiar sound of dawn. I slept through the night. I guess the extra physical activity does help. I am a stranger here, yet I am welcomed everywhere I go. We should embrace the differences in each other. We were not placed upon this earth to judge one another or criticize the people who are different from us. Our job is to love one another as God has loved us. He sent his son to die for our salvation. Now that is love. Open your arms and Hearts to each other and spread kindness, love and compassion. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! It is chilly and raining out this morning as I sit in the predawn hours. All is quiet except for the gentle sounds of the rain hitting the rocks and the wind as it blows through the pines. The rain here is gentle. It rains a lot, but I haven’t seen the thunder storms like home. It is a learning process of the senses to adjust to the difference in the weather. Daddy taught us to learn our surroundings and always be alert to the weather and danger. We learned heightened senses of smell and awareness of people and changes. It is good to learn new things and meet new people.  Our minds need to grow and expand each day. Use your God given senses and talents to their fullest.  Look for the beauty in your world and the people beside you. God’s most loved creations are the people who walk beside you and support you on your journey. Give prayers of gratitude each and every day for those you love. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright. 


Good Morning Everyone! It is raining this morning,  but not cold enough to snow. The wind is blowing through the pines so change is coming.  I keep waking at 3 am and having trouble getting back to sleep.  It is a body cycle I dont like. Changes with aging are not grand. It seems something is always going south or wrong. It definitely slows the body down. This slow down gives us more time to watch and listen to the beauty of God’s creations.  The birds cry out as I listen to the wind and rain. Laughter always makes me happy, especially the giggles from a child. There is beauty in youth and grace with wisdom as we age. I am alive and able to enjoy and share  the beauty of our world. I am blessed.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine

Whispers in the wind

Good Morning Everyone! The temperatures are milder as I sit on the porch today. Clouds cover the mountain and it is hidden from view. I know it is there. I can feel the strength of the mountain eventhough I can not see it. It reminds me that God is with us even if he can’t be seen or heard. His presence is felt in the beauty of his creations that we see every day. His whispers can be heard in the wind as it blows across the fields and through the trees. His joy can be heard in the songs of the birds and the beauty of the wildflowers and his laughter rings forth from the Heart of a child. His love surrounds us with every breath we take. You only have to open your Heart and believe.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.