Human Spirit

A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I stayed home and did a little sewing on a quilt. It is going to be beautiful if I say so myself. All is quiet in my little corner of the world. My thoughts are with family and friends during recovery. The heart warming stories of neighbors and strangers helping each other rekindles my faith in the human spirit. God’s love shines bright even in the darkest days. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Miracles of Life

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. It is 47 degrees and the sun will be up soon. Sleep eluded me last night. I watch as the light starts to warm the sky. The process seems so effortless as night turns to day, yet it is a true miracle of creation. We are all miracles of creation. Each created the same, yet different and unique in our appearance and personalities. We are each loved unconditionally by God. We have the choice to follow his teaching or to turn away, yet we are still loved. Time slips away as I ponder the wonders of creation. I choose to accept His unconditional love and shine my light as bright as the rising sun. Spread a little sunshine in your world today. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.