Beauty Within

Good Morning Everyone!

It is going to be a beautiful steamy day. It is five A.M. and my glasses fogged up when I stepped out the door this morning. The mist is high in the field and sends my mind to old movies where ships emerge from the fog. I am wrapped in a cocoon of warmth, mist and thoughts. I am loved. There is beauty displayed before me each day. I only have to open my eyes. Sometimes it is hard to look past the day to day grind of life and see the beauty that surrounds us. The true beauty in this world lies within the hearts and minds of each other. Look past the trappings and circumstances that surround you and untap the beautiful spirit locked inside you. There is a bold and beautiful creation waiting to be set free. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone!

There is a smell of something burning in the air this morning. It sets a tone of worry that I must shake off. Life is a balancing act. In a blink of and eye things can change. Every decision we make has consequences. I was taught to follow the rules. It is hard to follow the rules in a world where the lines between right and wrong are blurred. Remember that God is watching and knows everything you do or say. When the lines get blurred, fall back on the lessons you were taught as a child. Pray for guidance and let your conscience be your guide. Kindness, compassion and a loving Heart will guide you through life. Always show respect to others and dont forget to show respect for yourself. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Be Grateful

As I drove home tonight, I had to pull off the road to capture this beautiful display. The clouds set off the beams of light as they reach for the heavens. All I could say was , Thank you God! I know you created that moment for me. Never pass up a chance to see the beauty in life or express your gratitude. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Love One Another

Good Morning Everyone!

The familiar sights and sounds of the morning are soothing to my soul. The mist rises over the fields and the rooster crows his little heart out announcing the new day. I grew up making mud pies and walking barefoot in these fields. We were raised to work hard, follow the rules and show respect to everyone. I am a long way from that little girl, but still hold fast to the lessons and beliefs instilled in me. Treat each other with kindness even when they seem impossible to understand. Remember that we are all children of God and should treat each other with respect and kindness. Love one another. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Shine Your Light

Good Morning Everyone!

The early morning mist clings to the fields as daylight fills the sky. The sweet perfume of the mimosa blossom fills the air. I breathe deep and my spirit soars with the beauty of life. The light in my heart glows and longs to shine. Our hearts hold the light of this world. Share your special light with those around you so that they too may learn to love and share. Change your world one Heart at a time. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Hold them close

Another beautiful day comes to a close. It was a long hot weekend. The heat kept the boys and I inside but we had an awesome time together. They are growing up so fast. I want to enjoy every moment I have with them. They were looking out for me this weekend. It was so sweet. Hold your loved ones close and cherish these times. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤.

Hold them close

Another beautiful day comes to a close. It was a long hot weekend. The heat kept the boys and I inside but we had an awesome time together. They are growing up so fast. I want to enjoy every moment I have with them. They were looking out for me this weekend. It was so sweet. Hold your loved ones close and cherish these times. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤.


Good Morning Everyone!

I was blessed to awaken this morning with a roof over my head in a house that I own. I sit on my front porch watching the sunrise as I drink my coffee. I live in a country where I am free to work, own property and share my opinions without fear. The blessings of freedom are not free. There are many brave men and women who left their families and gave their life so that our country would be free. Our future was and is defined by the past sacrifices of those who served our country. Today we remember. Every time you refuse to show respect for our way of life, you are stepping on the heart of someone who lost their father, brother, sister or mother. They are the ones who gave you the right to stand up and speak out. Be respectful, grateful and know that you are blessed. Their sacrifice gave you your freedom. Speak out in kindness, love and compassion for each other. Above all……Honor and Remember the Fallen. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.