
Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. I captured the sunrise yesterday as I was leaving the house. I stopped and watched the beauty of the new day unfold before my eyes. It is always a magical time of day. It is my time to sit and collect my thoughts, say my prayers and listen. We talk to God, but we need to be still and listen with our hearts and minds. Sometimes the answers are in the beauty of the landscape or the face of a child. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day awaits the dawn. Mt Hood shows off its beautiful snowy peak under clear blue skies. This weekend takes me on an educational adventure in Portland.  Our group is attending the Chiropractic Convention where I will hone my skills on keeping the office running smoothly.  New friends and chances to share my heart. We have to take every opportunity to increase our knowledge, learn a new skill or bring back a much loved craft that has been set aside.  Bring joy and laughter into your life at every opportunity.  God has given you gifts and a purpose.  Put them to good use. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning.  Last night, I watched four hummingbirds share the feeder. There definitely was a party going on outside. Of course, the feeder is empty and my little friend is flying over near my window to get me moving.  Two things struck me. We can all get along and share if we let go of our greed and love one another.  There are many rhododendrons blooming now so there is other nectar to collect for a little work. If the nectar is free and plentiful,  why should they work to collect from anywhere else. It was an interesting thought. The beauty of God’s creation is there for all of us to share. We only have to slow down our busy lives and enjoy nature and each other. Time waits for no one. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. Clouds once again fill the sky. The wet landscape is striking against the dark sky. My capture is a beautiful little Christmas tree that graces the yard where I stay. Every time I look at this perfect tree, it feels like that special time of year that we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is a blessing to have that little reminder that we are loved beyond measure. Thank you,Lord, for the beauty that surrounds me and most of all thank you for the gift of salvation. I believe. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! Another beautiful day is dawning. Rain clouds fill the sky and it is still cold in the mornings. All this rain will help delay the fire season. The cycle of life continues. The birds are returning and tulips are bursting forth from the ground. Spring is a beautiful time of year filled with new life, hope and beauty. Pay special attention to the little messages of love that God sends to us in the flowers, birds, rivers and streams. His love is written across the sky at sunrise and sunset. Believe. You are loved. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. God has chosen to awaken me to share another day in his plan. I do not know my part, but I will be myself and try to brighten the day for those around me. We all play a part in His plan. I may not be a surgeon who saves lives, but I can share God’s light and love to help a person who may be losing faith or lost their way. Gentle reminders of God’s love through kindness, compassion and love can change our world. No part in His plan is small. We are all headliners. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! It is 3 am here and I am awake. Fans roar in the fields in an effort to save the crops and the darn rooster is trying to be heard over the noise. There is so much noise and distraction in our world. People don’t sit and have conversations much anymore. It is easy to be alone in a house filled with people. We tend to take people and the things they do for us for granted. We all want and need to be appreciated and seen. Look around you and think what life would be like without these people. Don’t wait until it is too late. Let them know they are loved and appreciated now. God gives us a short window on this earth. Love, laugh and be grateful for all your blessings. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway. The clouds look like cotton candy floating on the breeze. I have three hummingbirds sharing the feeder. I am not sure if the third one is just passing through or if the other two are having a dinner party. They are such beautiful creatures. Each day of our lives we learn, grow and experience good and bad things. No matter what happens, we get up and go one. It is how we go on that matters. Our faith in God keeps us moving forward and gives us peace of mind. None of us are perfect, but He died for our salvation. Start each day with gratitude and spread some sunshine. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful day is underway. The sky is clear and bright with beautiful sunshine. It is still cold, but how can you complain with the beauty that lies before you. My capture of the mountain includes the blueberry field down the road. The view had me pulling off the road and capturing that moment in time. Our lives are filled with precious memories and moments in time that we treasure. They warm our hearts and help us fight off the loneliness of lost love ones until we meet again. Fill your heart with the good memories. We can’t go back and change anything. We all did the best we could do under our own circumstances. Let go of the past and live each day as the precious gift that God has given you. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. Ribbons of mist play through the orchard as the sun reaches for the horizon. I watch as darkness leaves the landscape and a new day begins. Our world is such an amazing work of art. It is a feast for our eyes and soothing for our souls. My sister has collected and maintained a beautiful yard filled with God’s messengers of love. Each plant smiles and flourishes with her love and care. We all need that little extra bit of care. Take the time to spread seeds of kindness, love,compassion and watch how people can bloom. Share Your Heart ❤️ And Shine Bright.