Sweet Dreams

Tonight I sit and watch the sun set from my back porch. I promise myself that I will once again go to the banks of Mobile Bay to see the glory of the sunset over the water. I have a lot of fond memories of sunsets on the Bay. Tonight it is pretty awesome from the peace of my back porch. The sounds of the night surrounds me. Have you ever just listened? It is a serenade of life. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤.


Good Morning Everyone!

I slept past the dawn and the sunrise today. Sometimes the body just needs more rest. It sure feels good on those days I dont have to watch the clock and be to work on time. Punctuality was drilled into our soul. Being late was a sign of disrespect for others. The mist still clings to the field as Mister sun rises higher with every passing moment. It makes me think of the Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland carrying the big pocket watch. ..I’m late. I’m late. Respect for others and ourselves is vital in our world. We all have to get along and what better way then to be and feel respected by others. Show love, understanding and compassion to each other. Remember that word. RESPECT! Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.