Laugh Until it Hurts

Good Morning Everyone!

It is comfortable out this morning. It is a peaceful and gentle start to the day. The colors in the sky are soft and muted, but brighten as the sun approaches the dawn. My first capture is always from the porch. I wait for a little more light before I head to the road. The spectacular ones have me pacing the road to capture the perfect shot. It is hard to capture the beauty in the dawn light. There is always that one moment when you just stop and stare. We all have moments in life that make us notice the beauty or perhaps smile. The moments that make you get up out of your chair, stop what you are doing or laugh until it hurts are the treasures of life. I wish you great moments of joy and laughter. Get out of your chair and enjoy ever precious moment. Dont let the treasures in life pass you by. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.