Faith Hope and Love

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a little bit cooler as I step out with my coffee. The sound of the katydids are drowned out by what sounds like a fleet of trucks rolling in the distance. Somebody or something is moving and shaking early today. I was taught the early bird gets the worm, so I guess someone else is getting all the worms this morning. Our world moves and changes so quickly. We are always told to keep up with the times or become outdated and pulled off the shelf. I kind of like my outdated values. Take time in the rush of our world to sit quietly and communicate with God. Be grateful for all the blessings in your life and all the times he has pulled you through the darkness. Be sure to share those values with the younger generation so that they are not lost. Kindness, compassion, honor, manners, trust, hope, faith and love never go out of style. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.