Unconditional Love

Good Morning Everyone!

The air holds a touch of coolness this morning and the stars are shining bright. One of the many things I like about country life is that I can step out and see the vastness of the sky and all the twinkling stars. Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder where you are. The stars fade as the curtain of darkness is lifted by the rising sun. The process seems so effortless as night turns to day, yet it is a true miracle of creation. We are all miracles of creation. Each created the same, yet different and unique in our appearance and personalities. We are each loved unconditionally by God. We have the choice to follow his teaching or to turn away, yet we are still loved. Time slips away as I ponder the wonders of creation. I choose to accept His unconditional love and shine my light as bright as the rising sun. Spread a little sunshine in your world today. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.