
Good Morning Everyone!

A light rain falls this morning lending a soft and gentle sound to the day. The clouds are putting on a light show in the distance as lightning ripples across from one cloud to another. It is a beautiful display of the forces of nature. There are so many things beyond our control in this life. We could spend all our time worrying about tomorrow and what will happen. Worrying only diminishes today and wastes precious moments of life. Learn to understand what is in your control here and now. Make a difference in your world for good, lead by example and teach the lessons of the past so they are not repeated. Share your wisdom with the younger generation and pray that God will lead them down their path safely. Take the problems beyond your control and put them in God’s hands. Make today the best one ever. There are no promises of more to come. Make a difference today. Give your Heart, share your feelings, smile freely and Shine God’s light. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.