
Good Morning Everyone!

A light rain falls this morning lending a soft and gentle sound to the day. The clouds are putting on a light show in the distance as lightning ripples across from one cloud to another. It is a beautiful display of the forces of nature. There are so many things beyond our control in this life. We could spend all our time worrying about tomorrow and what will happen. Worrying only diminishes today and wastes precious moments of life. Learn to understand what is in your control here and now. Make a difference in your world for good, lead by example and teach the lessons of the past so they are not repeated. Share your wisdom with the younger generation and pray that God will lead them down their path safely. Take the problems beyond your control and put them in God’s hands. Make today the best one ever. There are no promises of more to come. Make a difference today. Give your Heart, share your feelings, smile freely and Shine God’s light. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


It was a good day filled with family, laughter and love. It always warms my heart to see the love that is shared through the teasing and laughter. I ended the day with a walk over to check out my Brothers flowers. He has an array of color, but this little beauty caught my eye. Gather your families close and share. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Good Morning Everyone!

The sun is on the horizon as I step out the door this morning. I slept past the dawn. The sky and field are covered in a golden glow. It never gets old. The birds dance in and out of the trees as they jockey for a spot on the feeder. They are always a sight to behold as they go about their day. The morning is up and running. My sons and grands are coming for lunch. Time slips away as I watch the beauty of the morning. We are here on earth only a short time. Make the most of every precious moment. Inhale the beauty that surrounds you. Love the people who walk beside you.

Give extra hugs to everyone. Crank up the music and dance. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Tonight I am not waiting to post the sunset. I sat on my front porch watching the storm come in from the east. It never made it, but a piece of a beautiful rainbow appeared in the southeastern sky. It you look real close you can see the purple on the bottom side. My favorite color. About 15 minute later, the rest of the rainbow appeared in the northeastern sky. Two sightings in one day. I am blessed and beyond excited. Thank you Lord! It was awesome. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams. ❤

Embrace the Journey

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you rested well. My cup of coffee sure is good this morning. I tossed and turned all night. Some nights are just like that. Thank goodness for naps. I am going into the office today to help out a friend. What would we do in life without the people who stand beside us each day? They are there to lend a helping hand or a word of encouragement when needed. They are Angels sent by God to join us on our journey. A ready smile, a touch of the hand or just silence is all we need sometimes to make it through a hard day. Never take them for granted. They need you as much as you need them. Give them the smile that glows from your eyes or the gentle touch that speaks volumes without a word spoken. Embrace the journey of life and share. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Another day draws to a close. I had time to mow my grass today so everything looks awesome. As I watch the sun go down, a hummingbird feeds near by. They are beautiful little creatures. The glow of the sun is set off by the different shades of green in the trees. Life is good. Gather your families close and say a pray of gratitude. You are blessed. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Twinkling Star

Good Morning Everyone!

The air is heavy but comfortable this morning. Lightning flashes in the southern sky as stars twinkle at me from the east. One star in particular is shining brighter. It beckons me to watch as it twinkles and shines. I stray from writing to watch. It is not moving so I know it is not an airplane. You dont know how many times I have admired a beautiful star only to be told, “Oh Granny! It’s an airplane.” People can Shine and draw our attention away from the true star in this world. Do not be lead astray by a smiling face or false star. Keep your Heart true and good. Show kindness, compassion and understanding to your fellow man. Bring joy and laughter into your lives on a daily basis. Fill your world with the beauty set before you and believe. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


As I traveled home, the clouds across the field caught my eye. It was fascinating how they swept across the horizon and feathered up high. It was an good day. I have always loved to watch the clouds as they travel across the sky to parts unknown. They are only with us for a brief moment in time before they move on. Take the time to look up and see the beauty displayed each day. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤.

Look for Goodness

Good Morning Everyone!

I can still see the stars twinkling in the sky and the rooster crows in the distance. He is getting an early start this morning. There is a strange smell on the air that drifts my way. It is one of those smells that makes a country girl stop in her tracks and silently check out her surroundings. A snake is nearby. I am safe on a porch, but it is a smell and feeling of danger that was instilled in me from childhood. When we were in the fields and woods, we never knew what danger lurked nearby. We were taught to be aware of our surroundings to keep ourselves safe. The lessons of childhood apply throughout our lives. Be vigilant in your faith and aware of the trappings of evil. Look for the goodness inside each Heart you meet. Help them to see their beauty through your eyes. We all need that friend who sees the true Heart inside of us. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.