
I sit on my back porch as evening falls. Clouds cover the sunset, but the view is still beautiful. The cardinals and tanangers fight over the feeders. There is plenty to go around but I guess they are not good at sharing. I had a good day with my grandsons. It was quiet so we had a chance to just share thoughts and ideas. Children grow up so fast. These times together are precious. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Simple Beauty

Good Morning Everyone!

I am rising late again today. It is a beautiful morning filled with birds dancing on and off the feeder. My coffee is strong and good this morning. The sunlight glistens off the dew in the grass. It looks like diamonds shining at me. God’s gifts to us are precious and simple. The birds singing their song, the flowers blooming to show their love and the sparkle of light upon water are simply beautiful gifts from God. I may not have a big house or stockpiles of money, but I have beauty and peace. Look around and count your blessings. You don’t have to look far. You woke up this morning to a brand new day. Fill your day with the simple beauty of life. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.