Cloud Watching

As I drove down the road home, the shape of the clouds caused me to pull off and capture the moment. The field was bright green after the rain and set off the blue of the sky. I will leave the design of the clouds up to your imagination. I am a cloud watcher from way back when we would lay in the grass and watch the sky. Simple pleasures bring wonderful memories. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

True Beauty

Good Morning Everyone!

As I stand waiting for my coffee to brew, I am filled with anticipation of the fresh new painting being created by the master artist this morning. Just for me. The sky is filled with dark clouds and lightning flashes to the East. It is a display of beauty and power. We all see things a little differently. I see beauty and you see a storm. You see an old lady and I see a woman seasoned by life, filled with wisdom and at the peak of her beauty. Beauty is not just a physical attribute. Beauty comes from a loving Heart and a kind spirit. True beauty reflects the light of God to lead the way. Let your beauty shine forth for all to see. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright