Kindness and Love

It was a long and busy day dealing with a lot of paperwork. My bones are weary as I pull into my drive. My brother waves as he is mowing his lawn and gives me a big smile. My grandson has cooked supper and gives me a big hug. Things are looking up. It is amazing how kindness and love can change a person’s outlook on life. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Here I Am Lord

Good Morning Everyone!

It is hot and humid this morning. The birds are still asleep and the sound of the katydids fills the air. It is the start of a new week with new adventures and challenges. There are people to help and problems to solve. Illness, pain, addiction and depression run rampant in our world. It changes the way some people act. They can no longer see the beauty within themselves and others. Their world can become all consuming and they forget that God is watching and knows their heart. He walks beside you even when you don’t acknowledge he is there. No act goes unnoticed. Yet you are still loved. When someone treats you badly, remember that you have no idea what is going on in their hearts or minds. God does and he is watching and sending angels to help. Maybe one of them is you. Here I am Lord. Is it I Lord? Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.