Heart Prints

A long day comes to an end. It started filled with stress and worry and ended with family and love. My front porch steps are fixed and I got to see my sons, granddaughter and grandsons. I wish there had been more time to cherish their presence. Life and time have a way of slipping up on you. Cherish each moment of their lives and leave your special heart prints of love in their hearts. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Love and Laughter

Good Morning Everyone!

I slept past the dawn today. I woke up at 5 a.m. and heard the thunder rumble across the sky, so I turned over and went back to sleep. The sun is shining behind the passing thunderstorms and the frogs are having a party down in the gully. A cool breeze is blowing as I sit with my coffee and nature. I am looking forward to seeing my granddaughter who is visiting from Virginia. Life is short and they grow and change so fast. We only have a short time on our journey here on earth. Make the most of each day. Love your families with all your Heart and be sure they know how much you cherish each and every one. Let your legacy be one of love and laughter. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.