Sweet Dreams

I got home early today. This picture was captured on the way in. I was able to get my grass mowed before the rain set in. It feels good to sit on the porch and listen to the thunder rumble in the distance as the rain hits my metal roof. The earth needed the water and we needed the cooling off. Enjoy your evening. Hold your loved ones close as long as you can. My feet are going up and Hallmark is set to go. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone!

The sounds of the night surround me this morning and I am enveloped in darkness and thick humid air. Condensation drips from the roof making a soothing pitter patter sound. Dawn will break a little later each day. I will have to adjust my morning routine to accommodate the change. Little changes happen each day without us realizing it. We have to be ever vigilant and keep our hearts and minds on the right path. It is easy to let things slip or wait until tomorrow. Before we know it, we have lost contact with that special friend or loved one. Send that note, make that call or take that trip. Connection of the heart should be cherished. We hold our loved ones close in our heart and they become a part of who we are. When we lose someone, we lose a little piece of ourselves. Reach out today and reconnect with your Heart. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.