
Tonight I sit on my porch watching the sun descend from the sky. Music plays from my phone bringing back memories of days gone by. I grew up in a time of beautiful music filled with passion and joy. Music feeds the soul and brings joy and peace to your Heart. Never let the music in your heart die. Crank it up and dance to the rhythm of life. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Here I am Lord

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you rested well. It will take me another cup of coffee to wake up this heavy head today. I slept like a rock and the alarm had to awaken me. Talk about a jump start to the day. The air is cool and the sky is clear and bright. The moon still lingers in the Eastern sky as the sweet perfume of my angel trumpet fills the air. A beautiful gift created by God just for me. This moment in time, I am at peace. I say my prayers of gratitude as I watch the beauty and wonder of his creation unfold before my eyes. The gift is there for each of us. We only have to open our hearts and accept the love that is given freely. Look for the beauty in the people in your life. A sweet smile, a loving heart, or a touch of mischief that lights the eyes are all beautiful to behold. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day to share with those who join me on my journey in life. Here I am Lord. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Laughter and joy

Good Morning Everyone!

I pray y’all rested well last night. There is a welcoming chill in the air this morning. It gives a rejuvenating lift to the day. To my joy and surprise, I see not one, but several lighting bugs in the front yard. Those little critters created by God bring such joy. They are a brief flash of light that pop up far away or right before your eyes. Little surprises wrapped up in a small package. Bringing joy to others is one of my favorite things. I love to see the smile that lights up the eyes of someone in pain. It does not require money or grand gestures. You do not have to travel far and wide to find joy. It is inside you. Open your heart and let the light of God reflect from within you. Show kindness, compassion and share your own love of life. Laughter and joy spill forth and are contagious. People just need to know that you really care about them. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long, productive day comes to another beautiful sunset. My daily routine was changed up at work today, so I got to interact more with the patients. It was a day filled with laughter and good will. All is quiet in my little corner of the world. Enjoy your families and be sure to thank God for another day filled with love and blessing. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone!

Hope you rested well. It is cooler as I step out this morning. There are stars shining brightly and a hint of a sweet perfume in the air. Low thin clouds add interest to the horizon and the katydids still sing their song of the night. The earth is still at rest. A flash of joy fills my heart as I see a lightning bug out of the corner of my eye. It was only the car flashing its security light. Funny how little things can instantly bring joy to your heart. A fleeting memory, a subtle smell, a song or a touch of your favorite color can send a smile to your face and a tug on your Heart. My favorite is the laughter of a child pure and honest set free upon the wind. God places these little treasures to brighten your day when most needed. He knows your Heart and wants you to be happy and filled with joy and laughter. Mister whippowill starts his morning song and I smile. Thank you Lord for all the joy you bring to my heart and help me to show others the beauty before them. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Good Morning Everyone!

The sun doesn’t rise for another twenty minutes. It is dark and lighting is flashing in the distance. A storm is moving up from the gulf. It is that time of year when it rains almost every day at some point in time. My mother in law called it the dog days of summer. Not sure why, but it stuck in my brain. It is funny how old sayings and words cans stay in your brain for a lifetime. Young minds and hearts can be damaged by careless words or even words left unspoken. Speak gently and with kindness. We learn at an early age our value and worth as a person. Self esteem is taught to us by our parents and grandparents. Make an effort to build people up and above all let them know they are loved. Sticks and stones can break a bone, but words can last a lifetime. Be gentle, loving and kind. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


Afternoon showers leave lingering clouds to join the sun as it descends from the sky. Night is falling as we all hurry home to our families. Supper is done and we can put our feet up and share our day. Share love and laughter with your families. They grow up fast. Start the tradition of nightly sharing and laughter. Lead by example. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤