
A long, productive day comes to another beautiful sunset. My daily routine was changed up at work today, so I got to interact more with the patients. It was a day filled with laughter and good will. All is quiet in my little corner of the world. Enjoy your families and be sure to thank God for another day filled with love and blessing. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone!

Hope you rested well. It is cooler as I step out this morning. There are stars shining brightly and a hint of a sweet perfume in the air. Low thin clouds add interest to the horizon and the katydids still sing their song of the night. The earth is still at rest. A flash of joy fills my heart as I see a lightning bug out of the corner of my eye. It was only the car flashing its security light. Funny how little things can instantly bring joy to your heart. A fleeting memory, a subtle smell, a song or a touch of your favorite color can send a smile to your face and a tug on your Heart. My favorite is the laughter of a child pure and honest set free upon the wind. God places these little treasures to brighten your day when most needed. He knows your Heart and wants you to be happy and filled with joy and laughter. Mister whippowill starts his morning song and I smile. Thank you Lord for all the joy you bring to my heart and help me to show others the beauty before them. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.