
A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I hung around the house, cleaned and set up my sewing machine. I ordered some material and hope to start a quilt in a couple weeks. I need something to fill my down time. The mountain was beautiful as usual this afternoon. The wispy clouds accent the blue sky. A new Hallmark movie is on tonight so I am set. Supper is on the stove and my feet are going up. Life is short. Enjoy this time of day when families gather over a meal. They grow up fast. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest well and Sweet Dreams ❤


A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I hung around the house, cleaned and set up my sewing machine. I ordered some material and hope to start a quilt in a couple weeks. I need something to fill my down time. The mountain was beautiful as usual this afternoon. The wispy clouds accent the blue sky. A new Hallmark movie is on tonight so I am set. Supper is on the stove and my feet are going up. Life is short. Enjoy this time of day when families gather over a meal. They grow up fast. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway as I step outside with my coffee. The temperature is mild and I don’t need my trusty blanket to keep me warm. The birds are singing their hymns and the rooster crows in the distance. A breeze rustles the trees and adds to the music of the morning. Yesterday, I captured this beautiful flower. My sister will know its names, but I just know that it makes me smile. One big flower is made up of many smaller, perfect flowers. God knew what he was doing when he created us all the same, yet different. Our different personalities and mannerisms make life interesting and more exciting. Just imagine what it would be like for us all to be exactly the same. We need the combinations of slow and steady, crazy and wild, silly and off the wall to stir it up a bit. Go out today and be YOU. Never be afraid to show your true self. If your friends don’t like the real you, it is time for new friends. You are beautiful just as you are. Share Your Heart and Shine Bright.