
A long day draws to a close.  It was a good day. I went into town looking for quilting fabric. The selection is poor and supplies are low due to the current state of our world. I came back and worked in my friends garden. It was beautiful out, but hot. Wild fires are burning in the nearby town and a haze fills the air. Everyone is on high alert about the fires. There are challenges that surround us on a daily basis.  The important thing in life is to never give up. Give the best of yourself to your family and always thank God for your blessings.  Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. It is still dark as I drink my coffee and say ny prayers. The rooster is crowing in the distance and the birds are still asleep. There is no breeze this morning so the temperature is not as cold. The sprinker sends a steady stream of water across the yard to keep the flowers and lawn lush and green. Maintenance has to be done to keep thing running smoothly. We have to do the same for ourselves to keep our mind and body active. Eating right, exercise and drinking plenty of water is a necessity to help us continue to enjoy life. We have to also nourish our faith with prayers of gratitude for God’s blessings and mercies. Life is precious, and little miracles happen before our eyes every day. Keep your faith, spread kindness, love and compassion. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.