Sweet dreams

A long, busy day draws to a close. It was a good day and we finished up a little early. Clouds fill the sky tonight and reflect the golden glory of the heavens. It is supposed to get down to 40 degrees tonight. I think Mother Nature has been drinking. These are winter temperatures.  Hold your babies close and never miss the chance to tell them how much they are loved. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Light on

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. A breeze keeps it chilly enough for a blanket. As I gaze out and say my prayers, I noticed the moon in the dawn light. It is beautiful no matter what time of day or night that you see it. It is like God saying he will leave a light on for us. His love is unconditional and everlasting. Remember His promise and believe. You are never alone and you are loved just as you are. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright

Light on

Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is dawning. A breeze keeps it chilly enough for a blanket. As I gaze out and say my prayers, I noticed the moon in the dawn light. It is beautiful no matter what time of day or night that you see it. It is like God saying he will leave a light on for us. His love is unconditional and everlasting. Remember His promise and believe. You are never alone and you are loved just as you are. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright