
A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I went into town and checked out the thrift store. I found a small lamp and a fruit bowl. Naturally, I stopped at Pearl’s Place fruit stand. My glass bowl is now graced with peaches, pears and apples. God’s bounty fills my bowl to the brim. On the way home. I saw movement in the field across the street. There were five deer grazing in the field. I wish I could have gotten a little closer for a better picture. Hold your families close and give those extra hugs and words of kindness. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! I slept in and the day is well underway. It is a beautiful day with partly cloudy skies. Orchard workers are in the fields. It is harvest time for pears and peaches. Everyone shares in the rewards of the harvest. I have had some yummy fruit this season. People also bring flowers as a thank you for kindness and compassion shown to them. This beauty came the other day. It is perfect in color and detail. God created our world with love in his heart. You can see his love in the beauty that surrounds us and the miracle of new life. We are loved. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.