
A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I slept in and then had breakfast with my friends. After that I picked blackberries. Of course my berry picking is mostly eating. I never came home with a full bucket. This afternoon I sat in the shade of the porch and talked to family. I was able to catch the hummingbird as he came in for a landing. They truly are amazing creatures. Oldies play across the Bluetooth as I settle in for the evening. Treasure those beside you and remember to be grateful. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams. ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is well underway. I slept until 7:30. It was one of those nights. The only sounds are the sprinkler and cars going past on the road. The sky is bright blue and there is not a cloud in sight. Today is house cleaning and chores inside. This capture is in the pear orchard when I got my fruit. Beautiful rows of trees all heavy with fruit. The grass is mowed and the weeds have been removed. These fields are well tended. We have to do that in our own lives. Pluck out the weeds that cause us anger or despair. You can love people, but not allow them in your life when they cause heartache. Maintain yourself with water, sleep, food and exercise. If you have a problem, seek medical advice. God gave us these perfect bodies to help us along our journey, but life happens. Grow in the sunshine of God’s love and anchor your roots in his words. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.