
A long day draws to a close. It was a good day. I stayed busy with chores and shopping. I am taking care of the animals for my friends. This beauty stands outside the front entrance. Even in this colder climate, this trumpet tree is blooming its little heart out. When you are in the right place and know you are loved, you bloom and shine. If things aren’t going your way, shine bright and keep a positive outlook on life. Soon you will bloom right where God planted you. Believe. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤


Good Morning Everyone! A beautiful new day is underway.  I slept in until seven so the sun is already over the orchard.  It is 45 degrees and a slight breeze rustles the trees. People are already moving on the road and the birds are silent. The clouds have passed and the sky is once again bright blue. I captured this shot on the way home last night. There is something about the play of light across the land and the dark cloud overhead that intrigued me. Even when there are clouds of worry and the darkness approaches,  God’s light shines bright within your heart.  Sometimes we need to be reminded that even in hard times, He is still there beside us. We can not see Him, but we feel Him with our hearts and minds. Keep your heart open and let His light in. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.