
A long day draws to a close. It was a beautiful sunny day. I checked out a few gift shops at lunch. I stopped to capture the sun as it went below the mountain.  I wonder what these people think of the crazy lady taking pictures.  It makes me smile.  Share your day with your families.  It is the little routines that are cherished.  Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Best of You

Good Morning Everyone!

It is a cold 32 degrees as I step outside with my blankets and coffee.  The forest is quiet except for a gentle breeze blowing through the trees. There is a touch of pink in the sky and remnants of snow cling to the ground along the driveway.  They remind me of old memories of pain and sadness that refuse to give us peace. Mistakes of the past haunt the brain and hold us back from our true potential. God sent his son so that we could have everlasting life. His sacrifice was one of love. If God can forgive us and see our true self, then you are worthy.  Let the warmth of God’s love melt the ice and warm your Heart.  Reach and grow in his light and be the best YOU that you can be. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  

Shine On

Good Morning Everyone! It is a cold 27 degrees this morning. I am bundled up as I gaze out into the forest and sky. The wind is blowing through the trees making a gentle lullaby for the landscape. As I peer past my coffee cup, I wonder who or what is watching me. The darkness can mask a lot of things. Everything we do is seen by someone and we are judged by our actions. God is always with us, even when we think we are alone. He is watching and waiting for us to accept his love and welcome him into our hearts. Step out into the light of God’s love and believe. Let those that watch see that you are a blessed child of God and his love resides deep within your heart. Take that love and Shine his light for all to see. Kindness, compassion and understanding lead you down this path of life. Add a little music, dance a little jig and Shine on. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Embrace The Day

Good Morning Everyone! It is a cold 27 degrees this morning as I snuggle up with my coffee to write. Remnants of snow linger on the ground and trees. The morning is still and peaceful. As I sit here, I think how easy it is to forget that the world exist outside the peace of the forest. Yet, day is breaking and I must turn the page of a new day. We can’t control all the events of the day. There is always the unknown factors of life. I can control my attitude and my responses to others. I can bring joy and laughter to troubled hearts and weary souls. God gave me the gift of kindness and words to spread the joy of his love to others. We all have been given life, a new day and each have special gifts to share. What is your gift? Are you using it or has it become buried in the troubles of life. Have faith, pray for guidance and embrace the unknown of the new day with joy and laughter. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Book By Cover

Good Morning Everyone! It is a cold, damp 32 degrees as I head outside with my blankets and coffee. The wind is talking as it blows through the trees and the ground is covered in snow. A goose flies overhead as I hear the familiar honking sounds. Judging a book by its cover runs through my mind today. I look at the beauty of the snow and know that it also means ice and danger. Yet, underneath the cold exterior a flower waits to bloom. How many times have we judged someone by their exterior circumstances.  Underneath that rough, cold, poor or sad exterior awaits a heart and soul in need of love and understanding.  If we dismiss and judge everything by what we see and not what could be, we could miss out on something wonderful.  God’s job is to judge, not ours. Be cautious as you go through life, but turn the page on that old, worn out book before you put it away.  We all need love  and understanding to make us bloom. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.  


Good Morning Everyone! It is peaceful out this morning as I sit with my coffee. The wind is silent and the forest is still asleep. For a short while each morning, I am wrapped up warmly and surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. It is a time to clear my head, say my prayers and set the tone for a new day. My day starts with coffee and gratitude for a new day to share. We have to make a conscious decision to be positive each day. Life beats you down. When you start each day with prayer, your heart fills with joy and a smile works it’s way onto your face. Take that joy, add a little music and dance to the rhythm of life. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day comes to a close.  I worked part of the day and did a little shopping.  I am slowly exploring the streets and local businesses. As I came up the driveway, a motion caught my eye. I turned and saw the two deer as they were watching me. Isn’t nature amazing. Look how they blend into the scenery. Share your day with your loved ones. It is the little things in life that mean the most.  Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Love one another

Good Morning Everyone! It is rainy out this morning. The weatherman says snow showers but it is 37 degrees. There is no light in the sky yet, but I can hear the pitter patter of drops on the rocks. Today is the day we celebrate our loved ones. Red hearts, candy , cards and flowers fill the day. We don’t need a day to show our love. We should celebrate life and love every day. The ones closest to us should be told daily they are loved and appreciated. Appreciation is the key word. We all do daily chores to keep our house in order and feed our families. These are chores of love. Acknowledge the little things that make your sweetheart special to you. Acts of love come from deep within our hearts. They are unspoken words of love. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. I managed to walk to the post office and back early this morning and then again at lunch. This old ticker of mine has to be getting stronger. The sky here changes in an instant and surprises me with its beauty. Life is different,  but good. Snuggle up close tonight.  Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤