Long Day

A long day comes to a close. It was a busy day, but all faces were smiling.  Things are a little more slow paced out here. No one is in a hurry. I captured this shot on the way down the mountain this morning.  It was too beautiful not to stop and capture the moment.  Snuggle up. Say your prayers and be grateful.  Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Just Believe

Good Morning Everyone! It is a beautiful beginning to a brand new day. It is cold and quiet. The wind is silent for a while and the stars light up a clear sky this morning.  There are no lights to block the view. The stars always amaze me and make me smile. When I gaze up at them, I feel small in this big old universe. My worries seem to fade and I feel closer somehow to our creator. I imagine Him laughing as he threw the glitter out to light the skies.  No detail was to small in his work. When your worries seem too large to handle and life overwhelms you,  look to the Heavens for the answers.  No problem is too small. God is there beside you listening and waiting for you. You only have to believe.  Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright