Shine On

Good Morning Everyone! It is cold out this morning and the moon is still shining brightly in the sky. The mountain looks cold and in need of a blanket or scarf. I am sitting outside with my coffee wrapped in my snuggy and blankets. I just love sitting outside first light. There is peace and tranquility to be felt in the stillness of the day. It is easier to talk to God when there are no distractions. He somehow seems closer. I know he is close at hand, but I can feel his presence in nature. There is an old song that goes..I come to the garden alone when the dew is on the roses…. I love that song. Look up and see the beauty of the day. Feel the presence of God in the storm, the wind and the wildflowers. Say prayers of gratitude and show kindness to one another. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.