Treasure each moment

A long day draws to a close. I worked most of the day and then did a little grocery shopping. It is too late for an adventure. The sun is setting and home is beckoning me to get settled in. Mama always said nothing good happened after dark. I pulled off to capture the sun as it was setting behind the mountain. I love this little barn out front. It is fenced off, but I would love to venture inside. Gather together as one and share your thoughts and smiles. Life is short. Treasure each moment in time. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Let it Shine

Good Morning Everyone! It is a cool 40 degrees this morning as I step outside with my coffee and blankets. Clouds are keeping the sun from shining through. It is quiet except for the wind blowing through the trees. Sometimes I can hear the coyotes early in the morning. Today it is quiet as I sit with my thoughts. My body wants to stay right here in this chair, but there is a job to do. There are people who need my smile and words of encouragement. God’s light needs to shine each and every day no matter the circumstances. His message of hope and love burns bright within us. Go out and let it shine. Bring hope and light to those in need. This little light of mine….. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.