Embrace The Day

Good Morning Everyone! It is a cold 27 degrees this morning as I snuggle up with my coffee to write. Remnants of snow linger on the ground and trees. The morning is still and peaceful. As I sit here, I think how easy it is to forget that the world exist outside the peace of the forest. Yet, day is breaking and I must turn the page of a new day. We can’t control all the events of the day. There is always the unknown factors of life. I can control my attitude and my responses to others. I can bring joy and laughter to troubled hearts and weary souls. God gave me the gift of kindness and words to spread the joy of his love to others. We all have been given life, a new day and each have special gifts to share. What is your gift? Are you using it or has it become buried in the troubles of life. Have faith, pray for guidance and embrace the unknown of the new day with joy and laughter. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.