Have Faith and Believe

Good Morning Everyone!

It is foggy out this morning to start my work week. Hopefully it will clear when the sun starts shining its light upon the earth. Life is filled with foggy times of confusion and uncertainty. Sometimes it is hard to know which way to go on your path. We have to reflect inward and pray for guidance. God is always listening and knows we are in the fog. His light will pierce through the darkness and fog of uncertainty and lead us on our journey. Have faith and believe. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day draws to a close. I was caught up in computer work when a friend asked if I was watching the sunset. I ran out just in time to catch the sun before it went behind the trees. It is easy to get caught up in day to day life and forget to look at the beauty that surrounds us. Take time to watch a daily Masterpiece being created. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕


Good Morning Everyone!

It is cold and quiet out this morning as I await the sunrise. I slept past the dawn and stepped out to an orange glow in the sky. There is a mist on the field today and a blanket of green is showing the new crop planted. I got to spend time yesterday working and playing with my grandsons. Time moves on and they can take care of themselves now. I did notice that they are starting to take care of me. Things move as they should. As they grow and have their own families, they will always know the loving bond that we share. One day they will pass down the stories and smile. Take the time to form those bonds that tie hearts together for a lifetime. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


As I sit and watch the view in front of me, I am blessed. My grandsons are playing frisbee together as the sun sinks below the horizon. We have a small fire in the pit set to go after dark. They collected the wood from the yard and stacked the fire. Young boys becoming men before my eyes. Life is short. Hold them close as long as you can. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams ❤

Chores Can Wait

Good Morning Everyone!

It is unusually still out this morning. The only sounds seem to be the rooster in the distance and the the pitter patter of condensation off the roof. A thick layer of mist hugs the field and the sky shows a hint of pink. Today is a day for chores and catching up around the house. In my later years, I realized that chores can wait. They will still be there when I get back. That child beside me does not wait. He grows up and moves on in his life. The person beside you who longs for your companionship will give up. Take the hand that reaches out or listen to the little one who wants you to help them, play with them or just be with them. Open your heart to love, laughter and joy. Chores can wait. The moments to share your life and Heart needs to be seized up like a great treasures and cherished. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.


A long day comes to a close as I watch the sunset from my back porch. The sky changed from different shades of blue to the gold of sunset. It is really amazingly beautiful to watch. My work week is over and I am looking forward to a few days off. Treat each day as a gift and treasure each precious moment. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕

Dawns Early Light

Good Morning Everyone!

It is dark out this morning as clouds cover the sky. I can see streaks of red shining through the dark clouds in the distance. I love to see the colors in the predawn sky. It amazes me that the light can bring me such joy. We all have dark days in our lives at some point. Sometimes it takes just one ray of sunshine on a cloudy day to raise my spirit. When you let the light of God’s love shine through you, even the darkest heart can feel the joy and peace that radiates from within. Let God use you as a beacon of pure light to guide others on their journey. We all need a little sunshine in our lives to remember how blessed we are. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.

Love is the Greatest Gift

Good Morning Everyone!

I stepped outside to a beautiful orange sky. There was one small ribbon of clouds on the horizon that broke the color. A lone star hung around to make sure I made it to my perch to watch the dawn. It felt like the changing of the guard. I may not be the greatest at everything, but I am dependable. It is an important thing in life when you know someone is there for you when you need them. You may only need a smile, a hug, a touch or a word of confidence to make it through the day. Of course they are there for the big things, but sometimes the little things mean the most. Make sure the ones you love know that you are there for them in good times and bad for that is what love is all about. Love is the greatest gift of all. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Brigh


Another long day comes to a close. My beautiful sunsets happen while I sit behind a desk this time of year. Once again I am sharing some Gulf Shores Alabama captures. Please forgive me for no pictures of today’s. I saw some beautiful ones posted by my friends. Enjoy life to the fullest and try not to miss the beauty of the sunrise and sunset each day. Say your prayers and be grateful. Rest Well and Sweet Dreams 💕