Helping Hand

Good Morning Everyone!

It is cool out this morning and a stiff breeze blows across the fields. Clouds rule the sky leaving darkness across the landscape. The wind ushers in a cold front so get ready. Our weather changes daily. It warms up, rains and the get cold. It is flu season time. I always keep a sweater and blanket in my car just in case. Be sure to take care of yourself and keep an eye out for your neighbors and those in need. No man is an island. We may try to be self sufficient, but at some point in time, we all need a helping hand. Illness or misfortune can strike at any time. Be loving and kind to one another. Lend a helping hand, hold a door open, say thank you, share a smile and a hug to let someone know that they are not alone. Sometimes people forget that God walks beside them. Be the Angel that remains them that they are loved. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.