Comfort and Kindness

Good Morning Everyone! Clouds fill the sky and a stiff wind blows through the pines. I am bundled up from head to toe. My Heart aches as I think of people sleeping on the street with no food or shelter. I am warm and cozy, but they have no such luxury. Yes, it is a luxury to have a roof over your head and food on the table. It doesn’t matter the reason they are homeless. But by the grace of God, it could be us. They are God’s children in need. We have a Giving Tree at work. It is filled with the names of children in need for Christmas. It is a small way to help our community and bring a little light into the world of a child. Every community has outreach programs or food banks. You may have a neighbor struggling to keep food on the table. Reach out to each other in comfort and kindness. Bring a smile, a helping hand, a kind word or a single can of food. It is not the size of the gift, it is the loving spirit within your heart that makes a difference. Stay warm. Share Your Heart ❤ and Shine Bright.